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Thwarted rage dragged from his furry throat a deep growl; a growl that resounded eerily through that silent place of stealthy moves. And he stepped majestically forth from the surrounding long grass, into the full glare of moonlight. The deceptive glow made him loom gigantic and black, and tinged his snowy chest with the phosphorous gleam of a snowfield. His eyes shone like a wild beast's.

It floated eerily in no orbit, going nowhere, doing nothing. And panic was the consequence. It seemed to Calhoun that the official handling of the matter accounted for the terror that he could feel building up. The unexplained bit of news was on the air all over the planet Weald. There was nobody awake of all the world's population who did not believe that there was a new danger in the sky.

Very full of thought I turned away, but, as I crossed the desolate square, I was aroused by a voice that hailed me, seemingly from beneath my feet, a voice that echoed eerily in that silent Place. Glancing about I beheld a beshawled head that rose above the littered pavement, and, as I stared, the head nodded and smiling wanly, accosted me again.

But we must not too long leave the bell an absurd contrivance of wire and knob that tinkled rather absently and eerily in the kitchen pantry. Let us repeat once more and for the last time: Sylvia was reading in her grandfather's library when the bell tinkled.

The crowing of the cocks, the stamping of the cattle, the twittering of the birds in the old elm whose branches were etched eerily against his window in the ghostly light these things he had never needed. He had known. But here in the un-sylvan section of Chicago which bears the bosky name of Englewood, the very darkness had a strange quality. A hundred unfamiliar noises misled him.

It was thus she was occupied now, shuffling, cutting, and laying out her rows with quick nervous movements of her worn little hands. She glanced once more at her husband as he entered, and then bent over her cards again. The night had descended blackly, and the wind moaned eerily round the old house.

I tried to close my eyes or to turn them away from the reeling forms of the men who were trapped in that poison-hole. It was useless: I must look. The bearer of the lamp had dropped it, but the dim, eerily illuminated gloom endured scarce a second. A bright light sprang up doubtless at the touch of the fiendish being who now resumed speech: "Observe the symptoms of delirium, Doctor!"

The most sordid sights and sounds of London streets, the most inane babble of a fashionable crowd would be more stimulating to her brain, sweeter in her ears than the arid expanse, the weird bush noises howl of dingoes, wail of curlews, lowing of cattle that a year ago had seemed so eerily fascinating. Even her marriage!

"I say the city. No one should destroy anything so magnificent." Not a dissenting voice was raised, so Arcot sent the Solarite nearer. "But what in the world can we do to that huge thing?" Fuller's voice came eerily out of the emptiness. "It has perfect invulnerability through size alone."

The wind swept over the mountains and penetrated into the cottage, bringing with it a white covering of hoar- frost; it was sighing eerily in the fields; the fields themselves seemed to flee from it, and to be alive, running away into the distance. The earth in white convulsions besieged the sky, and the sky got entangled in the mountain-forests.