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Bradbury, Roy did not for an instant doubt, as he could hear the officer's shouts in his undoubted voice close at hand. The boy's hands grasped the unknown's collar, but at the same instant, with an eel-like squirm, the figure dived and twisted. Suddenly it bent down and scooped up a handful of sandy gravel and flung the stuff full in Roy's face.

As he ran he made ridiculous efforts to cry like a whaup in the hope of summoning the Die-Hards. One, indeed, he found Napoleon, who had suffered a grievous pounding in the fountain, and had only escaped by an eel-like agility which had aforetime served him in good stead with the law of his native city.

He had never met a girl in any way like her one who wanted so much and would give so little in return for it, who had an eel-like way of dodging hard-and-fast facts and who had made up her mind with all the zest and thoughtlessness of youth to mold life, when finally she could prove how much alive she was, into no other shape than the one which most appealed to her.

He swam as well as the muskrat, perhaps faster, indeed, with a darting, eel-like, deadly swiftness. But the stream at this point had widened to a breadth of twelve or fifteen yards, and this was the little muskrat's salvation. The mink was afraid to follow her to such a distance from the air-space.

Eel-like, elusive, oiled, the chief broke the hold, even as he flung a leg about one of Stern's. A moment they swayed, tugging, straining, panting. In the old days Stern would not for one moment have been a match for this barbaric athlete, but the long months of life close to nature had hardened him and toughened every fiber.

There was little hemorrhage after the removal of the offending object, and the blood had evidently come from the injuries to the sides of the mouth, caused by the fins. The uvula was bitten, not torn. There is an interesting account of a native of India, who, while fishing in a stream, caught a flat eel-like fish from fifteen to sixteen inches long.

When he came ashore he was as small and eel-like and shy and awkward as ever, with the same dumb fidelity in his eyes. And what a snowy maid had Rebecca become! Sitting behind her spinning-wheel, with her dainty fingers darting in the sunlight, she seemed the pink and whitest thing that ever grew, with a look on her face of apple-blossoms in June; but the sly wench had grown mighty demure with me.

The principal individual who caused most trouble in the prison was a "Lifer," I think, a most remarkably long, thin man, actually eel-like. He had escaped three times. The last hole he escaped by he made with a nail, and it had just been bricked up and plastered over.

In mind, she was of a strong and vigorous turn, having from her earliest youth devoted herself with uncommon ardour to the study of law; not wasting her speculations upon its eagle flights, which are rare, but tracing it attentively through all the slippery and eel-like crawlings in which it commonly pursues its way.

Even as the astonished eyes of the group followed Lad window-ward, those same eyes were attracted by a partial darkening of the open space at the window's top. Into the room, through the narrow aperture wiggled a hairy form, moving with eel-like speed. Thence, it leaped to the floor.