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Basing our opinion upon such familiar and well-known instances, we are apt to take it for granted far too readily that between eating and being eaten, between the active and the passive voice of the verb edo, there exists necessarily a profound and impassable native antithesis.

Y-d-o," spelling it, "pronounced Edo." "Ydo," he exclaimed. "It is a name made in Spain; in color it is red and yellow, and it smells of jasmine." "Yes." She laughed at his description. "The Romany strain again, you see." "One moment," he insisted. "How did you know my traveler's tale? Was it Penfield?" "Never mind. It is sufficient that I know it. Good-by." She held out her hand.

"On they came, rushing toward the harbour at top speed, with a hurricane of shells of all sizes falling upon and about them, and the full glare of the searchlights shining full upon them. "The first of them to come I recognised as the Edo Maru, under the command of Commander Takayagi.

"The next steamer to come was the Otaru Maru. I think the fire directed upon her was even hotter than that which greeted the Edo. Shells fell all round her, but none of them seemed to hit her; and meanwhile she was replying briskly with her Hotchkisses.