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"Mon cher mari, je vous ecris parceque je n'ai rien a faire: je finis parceque je n'az rien a dire." This was, indeed, the substance of yours; but, being spread over a whole page, the laconic beauty was lost, and the inanity only remained.

As much as it made me suffer, I with my character, AVEC MA FIERTE J'AI ECRIS A MON PERE, begged him to send me something.

Je n'ose pas penser combien ce serait gentil si ma cherie etait avec moi, parceque cela me rend triste tout de suite; mais je t'ecrirai presque tous les jours, quelquefois brievement quand je serai trop presse. Sois gentille toi, et ecris souvent; les bonnes nouvelles que tu m'envoies de ta sante et de celle des enfants m'ont rendu mon courage et ce que je puis avoir de gaiete." "Samedi.

"Mon cher mari, je vous ecris parceque je n'ai rien a faire: je finis parceque je n'az rien a dire." This was, indeed, the substance of yours; but, being spread over a whole page, the laconic beauty was lost, and the inanity only remained.

I have written such tomes to Mr. Conway, Madam, and so nothing new to write, that I might as well, methinks, begin and end like the lady to her husband; "Je vous écris parceque je n'ai rien

Oh! to-night, dear pappy. Well, then, to-night it shall be "Je vous ecris parceque je n'ai rien a faire," &c. That's not true; fifty unanswered letters on my table pronounce it false. But when I deliberated about writing, it was with a view to write you sense grave sense. What a dull thing is sense. How it mars half the pleasure of life, and yet how contemptible is all that has it not.

Oh! to-night, dear pappy. Well, then, to-night it shall be "Je vous ecris parceque je n'ai rien a faire," &c. That's not true; fifty unanswered letters on my table pronounce it false. But when I deliberated about writing, it was with a view to write you sense grave sense. What a dull thing is sense. How it mars half the pleasure of life, and yet how contemptible is all that has it not.

I was shown a copy of the last letter dictated by a young French officer, and I asked to be allowed to copy it it was indeed a letter of a "chic" type. Chers Parrain et Marraine, Je vous ecris a vous pour ne pas tuer Maman qu'un pareil coup surprendrait trop. J'ai ete blesse le ... devant ... J'ai deux blessures hideuses et je n'en aurai pas pour bien longtemps.

At one hospital I was shown a copy of the last letter dictated by a young French officer, and I asked to be allowed to copy it it was indeed a letter of a "chic" type. "Je vous écris