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The grippe epidemic had gone down, nothing more strenuous than a few cases of measles stood in the way; in fact, Eastridge at the present time, he averred, was lamentably healthy. When he had committed himself so far as this, he hesitated, and very seriously said: "Mrs. Price, you have never asked me to do a foolish thing, and I have known you for a good many years.

It was intellectual force that built up the Plated-Ware Works of Eastridge, where there was no other reason for their being, and it was mental grip that held constantly to the management, and finally grasped the ownership. Nobody ever said that Talbert had come unfairly into that, or that he had misused his money in buying men after he began to come into it in quantity.

"She has recovered her digestion," I answered, "due entirely to the abandonment of chop-sticks and the adoption of Eastridge knives and forks. But now it's my turn to ask a question. How are YOU?" "Well," said he. "And the whole family is well, and we've all grown tremendously, but we haven't changed a bit, and the best thing that has happened to us for three years is seeing you again."

I was best man at his wedding; and because he married a girl that understood, his house became more like a home to me than any other place that my wandering life has found. I saw its amazing architectural proportions erupt into the pride of Eastridge.

If there is any pleasanter avocation for an old fellow than driving in an open buggy with a girl like that, I don't know it. She talked charmingly: about my travels; about her college friends; about Eastridge; and at last about her disappointment in not going to Europe. By this time we were nearing the Whitman hospital.

Find when the first train started and arrived send a lucid despatch no expensive parsimony in telegraphing: "To Cyrus Talbert, Eastridge, Massachusetts: "I arrived this morning on the Dilatoria and found your telegram here. Expect me on the noon train due at Eastridge five forty-three this afternoon. I hope all will go well. Count on me always. Gerrit Wendell."

That was all the promise there was; but it brought him down to Panama to get me, five years later, when I was knocked out with the fever; and it would take me back to Eastridge now by the first train. But what wasteful brevity in that phrase, "much needed"! What did that mean? Business troubles? One of those independent, interfering children in a scrape?

I want to see whoever comes, just as usual. I'd have to at some time, you know, at any rate. And I mean to do it now until I go away out of Eastridge. Charles is going to arrange that so very wonderfully. He has gone to New York now to see about it." "He has, my dear?" I said, in some surprise. "Yes. And, mother, about about what's over," she whispered. "Yes."

As though these difficulties were not enough, this morning, just before we started to Whitman, we were involved in another perplexity through the unwilling agency of Mr. Temple. He called me up to read me a bewildering telegram he had received an hour before from Elizabeth. It said: "Please end Eastridge scandal by announcing my engagement in Banner. Lily." "Engagement to whom?" Mr.

I want to speak to you." I ran after her. "I'm going to have a profession, too," I said. "I'm going to devote my life to it, and I am just as glad as I can be." I put my arms round her and kissed her on her soft, pink cheeks, and we both cried a little. Then she went away. "Eastridge, June 3, 1907. "To Gerrit Wendell, The Universe Club, New York: "Do you remember promise? Come now, if possible.