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I'll write it off to profit and loss. What's your name, spacer, and what brings you to York City?" "I'm Alan Donnell, of the starship Valhalla. I'm an Unspecialized Crewman. I came over from the Enclave to look for my brother." Hawkes' lean face assumed an expression of deep interest. "He's a starman too?" "He was." "Was?" "He jumped ship last time we were here. That was nine years ago Earthtime.

The Valhalla's schedule had called for them to spend two days on Earth and then leave for Alpha Centauri with a load of colonists for Alpha C IV. A starship's time is always scheduled far in advance, with bookings planned sometimes for decades Earthtime by the Galactic Trade Commission.

Every starship had to undergo a rigorous inspection whenever it touched down on Earth. The Valhalla probably wouldn't have any difficulties, since it had been gone only nine years Earthtime. But ships making longer voyages often had troubles with the inspectors.

A dreamdust peddler came wandering through the Enclave one night and let me have a free sniff. Generous of him." "And you became an addict?" "Five minutes later. So my ship left without me. That was eleven years ago, Earthtime. Alan felt cold inside. It could have happened to him, he thought that free sniff. Byng's thin shoulders were quivering.

The heavens reeled before them, and shifted, then were still, but the stars were changed. The sun shone weirdly, and the stars were altered. "That is a time shifting apparatus on a slightly larger scale," replied Arcot to Torlos' question, "and is designed to give us a chance to work. Come on, let's sleep. A week here should be a few minutes of Earthtime." "You sleep, Arcot.

You must be a real old-timer, Quantrell!" "I was born in 3403. Makes me 473 years old, Earthtime. But I'm actually only seventeen and a half. Right before Aldebaran we made a hop to Capella, and that used up 85 years more in a hurry." "You've got me by 170 years," Alan said. "But I'm only seventeen myself." Quantrell grinned cockily.