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Those who did not, did not mean to acknowledge lack of intelligence and sense of decency, but to express emphatic disapproval of Miss Eagerson, Miss Bell and their views. "I move you, Madam President," cried Mrs. Thaddler, at the top of her voice, "that every member who is guilty of such grossly unparlimentary conduct be hereby dropped from this Club!" "We hereby resign!" cried Miss Eagerson.

This club is deserving of all thanks from the community for extending to so many the privilege of listening to our valued fellow-citizen Miss Bell." He bowed again to Miss Bell and to Mrs. Dankshire, and resumed his seat, Miss Eagerson taking advantage of the dazed pause to occupy the platform herself. "Mr. Eltwood is right!" she said. "Miss Bell is right!

"Madam President!" broke forth Miss Eagerson. "I was up first and have been standing ever since " "One moment, Miss Eagerson," said Mrs. Dankshire superbly, "The Rev. Dr. Eltwood." If Mrs. Dankshire supposed she was still further supporting the cause of condemnation she made a painful mistake.

That is the way to elevate to enoble domestic service. It must cease to be domestic service and become world service." Suddenly and quietly she sat down. Miss Eagerson was on her feet. So were others. "Madam President! Madam President!" resounded from several points at once. Madam Weatherstone Mrs. Thaddler no! yes they really were both on their feet.

Dankshire tapped frantically with the little gavel, but Miss Eagerson, by sheer vocal power, took and held the floor. "I move that we take a vote on this question," she cried in piercing tones. "Let every woman who knows enough to appreciate Miss Bell's paper and has any sense of decency stand up!" Quite a large proportion of the audience stood up very informally.

This is the true presentation of the subject, 'by one who knows. Miss Bell has pricked our pretty bubble so thoroughly that we don't know where we're standing but she knows! Housework is a business like any other business I've always said so, and it's got to be done in a business way. Now I for one " but Miss Eagerson was rapped down by the Presidential gavel; as Mrs.

When wealth and aristocracy combine with that common inertia which we dignify as "conservatism" they exert a powerful influence in the great art of sitting still. Nevertheless there were many alert and conscientious women in this large membership, and when Miss Eagerson held the floor, and urged upon the club some active assistance in the march of events, it needed all Mrs.