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"Since I've been consulted, I'll preside at this yard meeting." "Then I nominate Dick Prescott, Dave Darrin and Greg Holmes," Spoff continued. "Second the motion," called Ross. Old Dut put the motion, which was carried. "As Master Prescott was first named," announced the principal, "he will naturally be the chairman of the committee."

In point of size Old Dut was somewhat over-matched. At the same time his opponent was a younger man. Yet it looked like a battle of giants. For some moments Old Dut had all he could do to hold his own. He took severe punishment, but gave back the same kind. Then, all of a sudden, Fits showed signs of wanting to get away. But Mr.

"I am deeply indebted to all of you young men. "And now I beg to add," said Old Dut, "that, as all of you youngsters are in a hurry, there will be no criticism if you see fit to race through the corridors." Out on the field, just before half past four, Captain Dick Prescott lined up his squad of fourteen, himself included, and quickly added four more to the number, thus organizing two nines.

"This is no place for schoolmasters." "On the contrary," retorted Old Dut, as coolly as before, "this is just the proper place for me, for I've appointed myself to teach you a lesson, my man. Throw off your overcoat, I don't want to take you unfairly." As Old Dut spoke he "shucked" his own coat, tossing it to the curb. "Wait, Mr. Jones, and we'll get a policeman," urged Dick.

Peter, the gardener, would watch them lazily, as he leaned upon his hoe, and mutter beneath his breath, "Dat dut wuz dut, en de dut er de flow'r baids warn' no better'n de dut er de co'n fiel'." Betty would laugh and shake her head as she planted her square of pansies. She was working feverishly to overcome her longing for the sight of Dan, and her growing dread of his return.

Tap! sounded a bell, and instantly the young people in their seats came to order, hands folded on desks before them. "Young ladies and gentlemen," began Old Dut, in his usual schoolmaster tone, "I trust that you have all enjoyed your mid-winter vacation immensely. I hope that you have brought back here refreshed bodies and minds. Have you?" "Yes, sir," came from all quarters of the schoolroom.

Go forth to uphold the traditions of Gridley and the glory of America, and may God bless you, one and all." His voice rather husky, and his eyes a little more wet, Old Dut sank back into the well-worn chair from which he had taught so many eighth-grade classes. "Three cheers for our principal!" proposed Danny Grin. The cheers were given lustily, with half a dozen tigers.

F. went into convulsion Fits, and the Dut. fainted away, and the scene proved ridiculous in the extreme, as Report says the Duke called out to Miss P. that he was instantly coming to her in the water, and continued undressing himself. Poor Miss P.'s clothes entirely laid upon the Water, and made her appear an awkward figure. They afterwards pushed in one of the Prince's attendants."

At the close of the afternoon session that same man stepped into the schoolroom, accepting the principal's offer of a chair on the platform. "Attention!" called Old Dut, striking the bell. "I am glad to be able to state that no pupil has incurred the penalty of remaining after school to-day.

"I put every young man in this room on honor for to-day," stated Old Dut, facing his class, the next morning. "No matter what the disorder or breach of discipline, no boy will be kept in after school this afternoon, for I know that every one of you, whether player or 'booster, wants to be at the inter-school ball game this afternoon. So remember, young men, that you are all on your honor to-day.