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The old vines, the primitive stock, were slain by the phylloxera, and the new vines planted to replace them do not produce a wine like that over which Popes and poets once were gay. Only in rich old cellars, such as that of Vièlmur, may still be found a bin or two of dust-grey Papal veterans: survivors of the brave army that has gurgled its life out in a happy past!

She compared him to Ditmar, on whose dust-grey face she was quick to detect a look she had seen before a contraction of the eyes, a tightening of the muscles of the jaw. That look, and the peculiarly set attitude of the body accompanying it, aroused in her a responsive sense of championship. "All right, Ditmar," she heard the other exclaim. "I tell you again you'll never be able to pull it off."

She compared him to Ditmar, on whose dust-grey face she was quick to detect a look she had seen before a contraction of the eyes, a tightening of the muscles of the jaw. That look, and the peculiarly set attitude of the body accompanying it, aroused in her a responsive sense of championship. "All right, Ditmar," she heard the other exclaim. "I tell you again you'll never be able to pull it off."

About three, he came near to a house on the wayside, where a halt had been ordered to give the men a brief rest. The soldiers dust-grey and thirsty scattered over the clearing or lay in the shadow of the scrub oaks. Some thronged about a well or a wayside spring, or draining their canteens caught a brief joy from the lighted pipe so dear to the soldier.

She compared him to Ditmar, on whose dust-grey face she was quick to detect a look she had seen before a contraction of the eyes, a tightening of the muscles of the jaw. That look, and the peculiarly set attitude of the body accompanying it, aroused in her a responsive sense of championship. "All right, Ditmar," she heard the other exclaim. "I tell you again you'll never be able to pull it off."

Well, the whole tribe arrived to-day; Marina in a dust-grey coat and skirt that fits her abominably, and Erwin and Ferdinand; Ferdinand is going through the artillery course in Vienna, at the Neustadt military academy; he's the most presentable of the lot.