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Although taken unawares and poorly provided with weapons we made a good fight; but in the end we were scattered so completely that Speug never reached the school again that day, for which he was thrashed by Bulldog next morning, and Dunc came in with a front tooth gone and one black eye, for which he was soundly thrashed at once.

Of course, as is the fashion among men as well as boys, all the others groaned at the pun; and then Ellery broke in: "Come, come, this will never do. Go ahead with Strong, Dunc." "I intend to," was the president's rejoinder. "But you all promised to stick by me, and I don't want any one to back out." "I'm not backing out," put in Moran. "I only want to hurry matters up."

We might be b-beaten, but we'd make a stiff fight for the old Seminary." "Ye can bowl, Nestie," said Speug generously, as they went back to school at the trot; "ye're the trickiest overhand I ever saw; and Jock Howieson is a fearsome quick and straicht bowler; and for a wicket-keeper Dunc Robertson is no easy to beat. Gosh!" exclaimed Speug, as they wheeled into the back-yard, "we'll try it."

No one directly inquired what was to be done with the money, for every one knew it was safe with Jock, and that it would be well spent by the mighty four who now ruled the school: Jock, Bauldie, Nestie, and Speug Dunc Robertson after a brief course at Sandhurst having got his commission in his father's regiment.

The real name of our friend Norris is Dunc Boone." "He's no friend of mine." She flamed it out with such intensity that he was surprised. "Glad to hear it. I can tell you, then, that he's a bad lot. He was driven out of Arkansas after a suspected murder. It was a killing from ambush. They couldn't quite hang it on him, but he lit a shuck to save his skin from lynchers. At that time he was a boy.

Regarding the winner for that was the other subject there was a unanimous and sad judgment; that Dunc Robertson might have a chance, but that Thomas John, the head of the Dowbiggins, would carry off the prize, as he had carried off all the other prizes; and that, if so, they would let him know how they all loved him at the Town Hall, and that it would be wise for him to go home with the Count's prize and all the other prizes in a cab, with the windows up.

While the younger boys raged and stormed in the safety of the corridors, Dunc and Speug retired for consultation. In two minutes they came out and gave their orders to the mass of boys gathered together round the "well" and in the "well," and on the stairs and along the corridors. It was at this moment that Nestie Molyneux obtained a name which he covered with glory before the close of the day.

I liked Dick in many respects, and now I was almost ready to look upon him as a friend. "Strong didn't give in quite as much as Dunc thought he would. Hang it, if I didn't admire his grit." "So did I. Wonder how he's getting along in the old tool house. We must release him first thing in the morning." "No need of doing that, gentlemen," I put in, stepping out from behind the tree. "I am "

"Muirtown Races 'ill be nothing to it," said Ritchie. Nestie is a fearsome liar." And after the school had spoken of nothing else for a day, Dunc Robertson asked the Count boldly whether such things were true.

This was the only instance where our captains ever made a mistake, and they atoned for their error of judgment by the valour and skill with which they retrieved what seemed a hopeless defeat. As the hours wore on to one o'clock Speug could be seen glancing anxiously out at the window, and he secured an opportunity with Dunc for a hasty conference during the geometry lesson.