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"Lay't doon o' the table, an' rin." "Na, na, Curly; I cudna do that. Puir little crater!" "Is the beastie heavy?" asked Curly, with deceitful interest. "Dreadfu'." "Lat's try." "Ye'll lat her fa'." "Deed no. Gie's a haud o' her." Annie yielded her charge; but no sooner had Curly possession of the baby, than he bounded away with her out of the garden into the back yard adjoining the house.

I wonder if the folk that feel so ha' taken count enow o' human nature. It's a grand thing, human nature, for a' the dreadfu' things it leads men tae do at times. And it's an awfu' persistent thing, too. There was things Adam did that you'll be doing the day, and me, tae, and thousands like us. It's human tae want to be sure o' whaur the next meal's coming frae.

Yer death will be my death. I hae already seen yer bleedin body in my dreams the image haunts me like a spirit, and leaves me nae rest. The doctor says true ye will kill me before yer dreadfu purpose is fulfilled; but if, in God's will, I should be left when ye are awa, wha is to guard me, wha is to comfort me without freends, without means, and without health?"

"Oh! that's richt, my leddy," interrupted Simon; "urge him to marry her, for it would be a dreadfu' thing for him an' I to be gibbeted, as a pair o' perpetual spectacles for the Murrays to mak a jest o'. Ye ken if he does marry, an' if he finds he doesna like her, he can leave her; or he needna live wi' her; or, perhaps, she may soon die; an' ye will certainly agree that marriage, ony way ye tak it, is to be desired, a thousand times ower, before a violent death.

She gaed aboot the country sae muckle, an' they say the gipsies she gaed amang 's a dreadfu' auld fowk, an' hae the wisdom o' the Egyptians 'at Moses wad hae naething to do wi'. 'Whaur is she noo? 'I dinna ken. She may turn up ony day. 'There's ae thing, though, Shargar: gin ye want to be a gentleman, ye maunna gang keekin' that gate intil ither fowk's affairs. 'Weel, I maun gie 't up.

But I was confined to my bed for ten weeks, wi' a dreadfu' attack o' rheumatism it was what was ca'ed a rheumatic fever it reduced me to a perfect anatomy. I was as feckless as a half-burned thread. Through fatigue, anxiety, and want o' support thegither, Nancy also took very ill; and there did we lie to a' appearance hastening to the grave.

We're middlin' dacent up here; but the lave o' the place is dreadfu'. Eh for the bonnie leys o' Bodyfauld! Gin ye see my father, tell him I'm nane waur than I was. 'They think ye droont i' the Dyer's Pot, as they ca' 't. 'There I am again! she said 'miles awa' an' nae time to be lost! My lord has a man they ca' Mitchell. Ower weel I ken him.

"Woman, deceive me not! make me not curse the memory of the parent I have so lately laid in the grave, for sharing in a plot the most cruel, the most infernal" "Bethink ye, my Lord Geraldin, ere ye curse the memory of a parent that's gane, is there none of the blood of Glenallan living, whose faults have led to this dreadfu' catastrophe?" "Mean you my brother? he, too, is gone," said the Earl.

"'A' the auld wives an weavers o' Auchtermuchty fell down flat wi' affright, an' betook them to their prayers aince again, for they saw the dreadfu' danger they had escapit, an' frae that day to this it is a hard matter to gar an Auchtermuchty man listen to a sermon at a', an' a harder ane still to gar him applaud ane, for he thinks aye that he sees the cloven foot peeping out frae aneath ilka sentence.

"Truly," said Dame Lugton, laughing, "thou's no an ill swatch o' the Reformers; and naebody need be surprised at the growth o' heresy wha thinks o' the dreadfu' cost the professors o't used to be at for pardons.