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Mattie lifted her hand with a quick gesture, and he heard his wife's step behind him. Zeena came into the room with her dragging down-at-the-heel step, and quietly took her accustomed seat between them. "I felt a little mite better, and Dr.

Its houses loomed tall, with many windows, mostly lightless materially aggravating that air of isolate, cold dignity which distinguishes the Englishman's castle. Here and there stood one less bedraggled than its neighbors, though all, without exception, spoke assertively of respectability down-at-the-heel but fighting tenaciously for existence.

Go look in the glass. Your stockings are tumbling over your shoes, and your jacket is all awry. How will your Mamma Letitia like that? Run, then! I hear the carriage wheels! In with you, little Down-at-the-heel!" Smarting under the girl's teasing, and all the more because it came from her, Napoleon sulked into the house. But Panoria still swung on the gate.

I am back again, back again in New York. My rooms are littered with battered bags and down-at-the-heel walking sticks and still-damp steamer rugs, lying where they dropped from the hands of maudlin bellboys. My trunks are creaking their way down the hall, urged on by a perspiring, muttering porter.

To deprive her, to deprive them both, of everything, all on account of those hated people? But now it should never be! On no account! Your down-at-the-heel pedagogue shall not strut about in peacock's feathers! Olga and I ... require the money more!" And the general's wife was tempted to snap her fingers in triumph in the direction of the dead man.

For the first time, then, I realized that I was clad only in shirt and trousers, with a handkerchief around my head where the accident in the hold had left me with a nasty cut. My bare feet were thrust into down-at-the-heel slippers. I saw Miss Lee's eyes on me, and colored. "I had forgotten," I said uncomfortably. "I'll have time to find my coat while she is recovering. I have been so occupied "

For the world at large impressionism spells improvisation an easy-going, slatternly, down-at-the-heel process, facile as well as factitious. Albert Wolff must have thought these things when he sat for his portrait to Manet. His surprise was great when the artist demanded as many sittings as would have done the painstaking Bonnat.

Alas, it is true: after all, I am really back again in New York. My rooms are littered with battered bags and down-at-the-heel walking sticks and still-damp steamer rugs, lying where they dropped from the hands of maudlin bellboys. My trunks are creaking their way down the hall, urged on by a perspiring, muttering porter.

It was nearly five o'clock when she and Blond-Beard helped each other toward a cab. "What's your address?" said he. "The same as yours," replied she drowsily. Late that afternoon she established herself in a room with a bath in West Twenty-ninth Street not far from Broadway. The exterior of the house was dingy and down-at-the-heel. But the interior was new and scrupulously clean.

She had sat in a cobbler's while this repair to the part of her person she was most insistent upon had been effected. He laughed. "A good investment, that," said he. "I've been noticing how you always look nice about the feet. Keep it up. The surest sign of a sloven and a failure, of a moral, mental, and physical no-good is down-at-the-heel. Always keep your heels straight, Lorna."