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Well, sir, it started him getting well, which he done. Close to the ground that's where the medicine in the air stays. Try a little hossback riding now. There's a gentle pony " "What've I done to yer?" screamed McGuire. "Did I ever doublecross yer? Did I ask you to bring me here? Drive me out to your camps if you wanter; or stick a knife in me and save trouble. Ride! I can't lift my feet.

Well, sir, it started him getting well, which he done. Close to the ground that's where the medicine in the air stays. Try a little hossback riding now. There's a gentle pony " "What've I done to yer?" screamed McGuire. "Did I ever doublecross yer? Did I ask you to bring me here? Drive me out to your camps if you wanter; or stick a knife in me and save trouble. Ride! I can't lift my feet.

"But he left orders for Holley to ride with me and look after me. Isn't that funny? Poor old Holley! He hates to doublecross Dad, he says." "I'm glad Holley's to look after you," replied Slone. "Yesterday I saw you tearin' down into the sage on Sarch. I wondered what you'd do, Lucy, if Cordts or that loon Creech should get hold of you?" "I'd fight!" "But, child, that's nonsense.

Daren't you tell?" Rowdy's lids drooped ominously. "If you call that a dare," he said grimly, "I'll tell you, fast enough. I was a friend to him when he needed one mighty bad. I helped him when he was dead broke and out uh work. I kept him going all winter and to show his gratitude, he gave me the doublecross, in more ways than one. I won't go into details."