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Aujourd'hui j'ai termine mon article juste a temps pour l'impression. Comme notre ane 'Je dors debout'; aujourd'hui je tombais presque de sommeil dans les rues de Londres. "Les travaux sur l'eau-forte sont termines cette fois. A bientot!" "22 RUE DE L'OUEST PARIS. Lundi. "Je suis arrive hier a 5 h. du soir.

A little cough sounded from the neighboring room. Julie crossed the landing. "Thérèse! tu ne dors pas encore?" A voice said, softly, in the darkness, "Je t'attendais, mademoiselle." Julie went to the child's bed, put down her candle, and stooped to kiss her. The child's thin hand caressed her cheek. "Ah, it will be good to be in Bruges with mademoiselle." Julie drew herself away.

All that we have advanced thus far may be summed up in one phrase: Asia invented the idea that man is a fallen being. This idea, which is the dors espinal, the backbone of Christianity, never for once entered the mind of the European. We have already quoted from Job and the Psalms; the following is from the book of Jeremiah: "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked."

The two leading spirits were John van der Dors, the commander, better known by his Latinized name of Dousa; and Peter van der Werf, the burgomaster. Plebeian names these, but loftier natures never possessed the hearts of kings or nobles! Beside their deeds, the chivalry of knighthood looks trivial and mean.

Je dors bien, mais comme je suis seul dans mon logement, je deviens tout triste. Je n'ose pas penser du tout a Pre-Charmoy parce que cela me donne une telle envie de te voir que j'en serais malade. Ah! si la force physique voulait seulement repondre a la force morale!

When she returned she saw Lady Clifford kiss the patient's cheek, then straighten up, wrap her négligé closer about her slender body, and move towards the door. "Bon soir, mon cher," she called softly, kissing her finger-tips to him, "dors bien!" So charming, so transparently appealing ... yet she had been looking for something under the pillow, Esther was convinced of it.

She mused silently, while the little girl with the bare legs continued to croon to her doll with a kind of chant: "Dors, mon enfant, dors.... Ta mère ne reviendra plus ce soir.... Elle dîne avec le beau monsieur que tu as vu.... Elle te dira bonne nuit demain.... Dors; sois sage et dors"

Je ne dors plus.” He moved off to stand at the window with his back to the room. I sat down on a sofa that was there and put my feet up, and silence took possession of the room. “Isn’t this street ridiculous?” said Blunt suddenly, and crossing the room rapidly waved his hand to me, “A bientôt donc,” and was gone. He had seared himself into my mind.

It is wonderful and splendid that we treasure, not the truth, but the very gossip about a man who died a thousand years ago. We may say to him, as M. Rostand says to the Austrian Prince: "Dors, ce n'est pas toujours la Légende qui ment: Une rêve est parfois moins trompeur qu'un document."

She was very amiable, and praised them, but did not see why SHE should sing them. I went through the same experience with a Mme. Widmann, a grand contralto, who sang my Dors, mon enfant with great feeling; all the same she had no further use for my composition.