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So far as I can see each of you is perfectly satisfied with his own choice and sure it was the wisest. I only hope our good James Barlow will like his Azul as well. Heigho, Dolly Doodles! What a quaint little basket! An Indian one and fine. Where did you get that?" "A little boy gave it to me. I suppose it is for Lady Gray, and here she comes."

If anything was to be done by the Russian spy it should be done quickly, and Doodles did not refrain from expressing his opinion that his friend was "putting his foot into it," and "making a mull of the whole thing." Now Archie Clavering was a man not eaten up by the vice of self-confidence, but prone rather to lean upon his friends, and anxious for the aid of counsel in difficulty.

So Doodles rode to Foxford in Mr. Randolph's sumptuous roadster, to the astonishment of Blue whom he met not far from home. Miss Sterling was not in her room. Polly had knocked and knocked. Finally she turned away and went slowly downstairs. "Is Miss Nita out?" she asked of Miss Sniffen in the lower hall. "I don't know," was the answer. She did not offer to look at the day-book on the desk.

"Pity there couldn't have been a long mirror set up somewhere!" replied Miss Sterling. "Well, you did look lovely!" Polly went on, ignoring the retort. "Do you mean each of us separately or only when we were in company?" asked the other gravely. "Oh, now, don't you make fun of me! I know what I'm talking about! Doodles said you were the best dancers he ever saw!"

But, nevertheless, Doodles was melancholy, and went on telling stories about that unfortunate man who would continue to break his bones, though he had no aptitude for out-of-door sports. "He'll be carried home on a stretcher some day, you know," said Doodles. "What does it matter if he is?" said Archie, boldly, thinking of himself and of the danger predicted for him. "A man can only die once."

Seems if she'll be dreadful lonesome without me all summer. I'm her own folks and I I believe I shall go home with her after all, 'stead of into the mountains to that ranch with the Gray Lady." Alfaretta gave a vigorous tug to the shawl-strap she was fastening about a curious assortment of her personal belongings and answered: "That's enough of your 'seems-if-ing, Dolly Doodles!

"How good of you to come! I was thinking this morning, what if I shouldn't ever hear you sing again and now here you are!" "I told you I'd come," laughed Doodles. "Yes," smiled Miss Lily; "but people forget. I guess you aren't the forgetting kind." "I didn't come to-day to sing," the boy began slowly. Now that the moment was at hand he felt suddenly shy at disclosing his errand.

Randolph hadn't been sick!" said Polly plaintively. "But Doodles says he is better!" Her face brightened. "Oh, David! did you know Doodles has been singing to him?" "No. I suppose that cured him." There was a little warning tone in the rich voice. "It has helped," Polly replied gently. "It makes him forget the pain. Mr.

Then Archie went down to his club, and finally arranged with Doodles that the first visit to the spy should be made on the following morning. After much consultation it was agreed between them that the way should be paved by a diplomatic note. The diplomatic note was therefore written by Doodles and copied by Archie.

Sir Hugh, who had been altogether at a loss to understand what she had meant by the man out of Warwickshire, followed her into the hall, and became more angry than before at finding that his brother had brought a friend to his house at so very inopportune a moment. The wrath in his face was so plainly expressed that Doodles could perceive it, and wished himself away.