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As I neared the bridge I heard the stranger say: "Let me zmell un!" and to his nose was the lead presented by a trained man of the King's Navy. "I'll tell 'ee where to goo, if yeou'll tell your donkey-man what to du. I'm no hand wi' steam."

As he made these inquiries from a donkey-man, two deck hands, three mates, a trimmer, the third engineer, two stewards, and Captain Kettle himself, the answers he received were various, and some of them were profane. He seemed to take a delight in advertising his chronic drunkenness, and between-whiles he made a silly show of the fact that he carried a loaded revolver in his hip pocket.

It should have been a flute, but they were in a forgiving mood. Constance this time did her share of the work. She and Tony together spread the cloth and made the coffee while her father fanned himself and looked on. If Mr. Wilder had any unusual thoughts in regard to the donkey-man, they were at least not reflected in his face. When they had finished their meal Tony spread his coat under a tree.

She sat up and regarded him sternly. He had the grace to blush. 'Tony, did you kiss my hand? 'Scusi, signorina. I ver' sorry to wake you, but it is tree o'clock and ze Signor Papa he say we must start just now or we nevair get to ze top. 'Answer my question. 'Signorina, I cannot tell to you a lie. It is true, I forget I am just poor donkey-man. I play li'l' game.

Mohammed had aroused a donkey-man of his acquaintance, who was in attendance, with a youth his son, and two donkeys. To the boy was entrusted the care of the lanthorn, without which no person is allowed to traverse the streets after nightfall, and mounting, we set forward. The streets of Boulak are narrow, but the houses appear to be lofty and substantially built.

Mohammed and the donkey-man attended at the side of Miss E. and myself, and though some of the people could not help laughing at the oddity of our appearance, we met with no sort of insult or hinderance, but made our way through without the slightest difficulty, much more easily, in fact, than two Arabs in their native costume, even if attended by a policeman, would have traversed a fair in England.

Dad, you must come to Tony's hearing this afternoon, and put it tactfully to our friend the lieutenant that we don't like to have our donkey-man snatched away without our permission. She turned back to the jailoress. 'And now, where is the man? We should like to speak with him.

Poor Tony was beginning to realize that a donkey-man lives on a desert island in so far as any companionship goes. But his moment was coming. As they were about to start on, Constance spied high above their heads, where the stream burst from the rocks, a clump of starry white blossoms. 'Edelweiss! she cried.

'I used to be, signorina; now I am only poor donkey-man. 'I shall never speak to you again. You can climb as many mountains as you wish with my father, but you can't have anything more to do with me. 'Scusi, signorina. I I did not mean to. It was just an accident, signorina. Constance turned her back and stared at the road. 'It was not my fault. Truly it was not my fault.

I realize well, that I might search the whole world over and never find another donkey-man who sings such beautiful tenor, who wears such lovely sashes and such becoming earrings. Why, Tony' she took a step nearer and her face assumed a look of consternation 'you've lost your earrings! He turned his back and walked to the window, where he stood moodily staring at the market.