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There were the Silentiarii, the Domestici, and the Scholares, about whom there was nothing military except the name, and their salary was hardly sufficient to live upon. Theodoric also ordered that their children and descendants should have the reversion of this. To the poor, who lived near the church of Peter the Apostle, he distributed every year 3,000 bushels of corn out of the public stores.

He tempteth us by the world, he tempteth us by our own flesh; he tempteth us by pleasure, he tempteth us by pain; he tempteth us by our foes, he tempteth us by our own friends and, under colour of kindred, he maketh many times our nearest friends our most foes. For, as our Saviour said, "Inimici hominis domestici eius."

L. Sentius Castus at one time an officer in the 'Domestici, or Emperor's Guards had volunteered for active service, and was now a 'Vexillarius, or Standard Bearer to the first squadron of horse attached to the Sixth Legion 'the Victorious and Faithful, that had come over to Britain with the Emperor Hadrian.

"Praeterea, sicut Scotorum, uti diximus, duplex est lingua, ita mores gemini sunt. Nam in nemoribus Septentrionalibus et montibus aliqui nati sunt, hos altae terrae, reliquos imae terrae viros vocamus. Apud exteros priores Scoti sylvestri, posteriores domestici vocantur, lingua Hibernica priores communiter utuntur, Anglicana posteriores.

A great deal has been said and written of the evil influence this woman had on him, and his very house bears an inscription recording his fame together with "affanni domestici," but it would seem that posterity has taken for truth more than the facts of the time imply.