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He did not say much, perhaps because everyone was too busy to talk, himself included. Men rode in at night dog-weary, pulled their saddles and hurried stiffly to the cabin where Step-and-a-Half was showing his true worth as a cook who could keep the coffee-pot boiling and yet be ready to pack up and go at the first rifle-shot.

"We are in no posture to fight, it is certain, being drenching wet, dog-weary, and three-parts frozen; but, for the love of old England, what aileth them to shoot thus cruelly on their poor country people in distress?" "They take us to be French pirates," answered Lord Foxham.

"Och! because it's the only port we're callin' at, sor. Looks like a fine trip north," he went on. "The weather's warm and there's just enough breeze to make it lively. Nothin' like the sea, sor, for keepin' the stomach swate and the mind up to the knocker." I yawned, for I was dog-weary.

The mates finished their third day's work on Jim Crow, wet to the hips, smeared from top to toe with yellow clay, dog-weary, but quite jubilant. They were as well satisfied with their next day's work, and the next.

"Truly, I am weary of horse-riding as I may well be," said Mrs Jane, as she mounted the next morning, to traverse the eight miles which lie between Saint Denis and Paris. "Poor little Jenny Lavender! 'tis well I brought her not withal; she would have been dog-weary ere we had won thus far." For this short distance Mrs Jane rode by herself, the Colonel mounting another horse beside her.

It was luck or fortuitous circumstance Fate, he would have called it, had he wasted time to give it name that brought him along a road where, many miles from Howrah City, he caught sight of Joanna. Needless to say, he took no slightest notice of her. Dog-weary, parched, sore-footed, she was hurrying along the burning, sandy trail that led in the direction of Alwa's fort.

The latter were dog-weary, dusty and travel-stained they had evidently done some forced marching. The rear was brought up by Red Cross wagons and forage carts, commissariat wagons, and all the miscellaneous kit of an army on the march. It took thirty-six hours altogether for the army to march in and take possession.