United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Going down the hill to the town we met, skirting across our path, a party of natives wearing Red Cross distinguishments. The lieutenant said these men had undoubtedly been beating the woods and grain fields for the scattered wounded or dead.

"In that time O'Hara strolled through Lafayette Square and spied two Weary Willies disgracin' one of the benches. In ten minutes more J. Clancy and General De Vega, late candidate for the presidency of Guatemala, was in the station house. The general is badly frightened, and calls upon me to proclaim his distinguishments and rank. "'The man, says I to the police, 'used to be a railroad man.

As I noticed before, the better plan of distinguishing a mineral is by being familiar with its appearance, but as this is generally impracticable, I will detail the modes used in lieu of this to be applied on bringing the minerals home. These distinguishments depend on difference in specific gravity, hardness, solubility in hot acids, and the action of high heat.

"Why, will you pretend for to say," returned the Captain, "that they don't distinguish the old from the young there as well as here?" "They don't make no distinguishments at all," said she; "they're vastly too polite." "More fools they!" cried the Captain, sneeringly. "Would to Heaven," cried, Sir Clement, "that, for our own sakes, we Englishmen too were blest with so accommodating a blindness!"