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Nevertheless ... we thinke it good ... that upon the recepte of these our letters ye ... assemble and consult together, and if ye shall thinke good amongest yourselffs ... discretly to withdraw and with holde your hands from shippyng to the said balmes marte.... Wryten at Andwarp the xvij day of August. Ibid., p. 124.

In the yere of our Lord 1200 there was in the Citie of Venice a famous Gentleman, named Messer Marino Zeno, who for his great vertue and singular wisdome, was called and elected gouernour in certaine common wealths of Italy: in the administration whereof he bore himselfe so discretly, that he was beloued of all men, and his name greatly reuerenced of those that neuer knew or saw his person.

Here is something very different from the modest Thomas Betson's injunction: 'The costes of my burying to be don not outrageously, but sobrely and discretly and in a meane maner, that it may be unto the worship and laude of Almyghty God. The worthy old clothier was not unmindful of the worship and laud of Thomas Paycocke also, and over £500 in modern money was expended upon his burial ceremonies, over and above the cost of founding his new chantry.

Or lose three hundred Pounds consider that. A Cuckold! why, 'tis a word an empty sound 'tis Breath 'tis Air 'tis nothing: but three hundred Pounds Lord, what will not three hundred Pounds do? You may chance to be a Cuckold for nothing, Sir Sir Feeb. It may be so but she shall do't discretly then. Sir Cau. Under favour, you're an Ass, Brother; this is the discreetest way of doing it, I take it.