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At five the sun set over the city, so high is the Dientes range, but for some time still threw a soft light on the farther plain and hills. Compared with our own land there is something profoundly peaceful in this climate and surroundings.

At the foot of the hill, some three hundred feet high, is an unoccupied space. Then the city begins, leisurely at first, with few houses and many gardens and trees, thickening farther on. All about are mountains. Behind the chapel stand Los Dientes, a teeth or saw-like range resembling that behind Leceo in Italy.

Porgala. trahen los dientes colorados, y horadados, y enlos agujeros vnos clauicos de oro.

The intelligent old warrior, after enunciating in a dogmatic tone the general proposition that the "world was full of traitors," went on pronouncing deliberately a panegyric upon Sotillo. "And," he concluded, with a sudden rise in the voice, "a man of many teeth 'hombre de muchos dientes. Si, senor.

More likely they were by now sodden with the aftermath of Sunday festivities, and anyway we were armed "hasta los dientes." At length, as the day was nearing its close, we fell into what had once been a trail.

Estoy dispuesto a convenir en que era más asediada, más agasajada quizás, pero no por eso más respetada. ¿Llamais respeto y consideración a aquéllas vanas fórmulas de etiqueta que hacían doblar el espinazo del hombre a la vista de una mujer y le hacían decir cuatro frases vulgares de cumplimiento, para hinchar la vanidad o marear la cabeza de una mujer crédula y fatua? ¿Llamais respeto a ese hábito singular de algunos hombres de calificar siempre de divinos los ojos de la mujer que tiene delante, de comparar sus labios a lindos pétalos de rosa, sus dientes a sarta de diminutas perlas, su cintura a cimbreante tallo de azucena y otras tantas necedades de ese jaez?

As to us," he pursued, portentous and impressive, "your worship is beholding the finest body of officers in the Republic, men unequalled for valour and sagacity, 'y hombres de muchos dientes." "What? All of them?" inquired the disreputable envoy of Senor Fuentes, with a faint, derisive smile. "Todos. Si, senor," the major affirmed, gravely, with conviction. "Men of many teeth."