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The year 1861 ends badly European defenders of slavery Secession lies Jeremy Diddlers Sensation-seekers Despotic tendencies Atomistic Torquemadas Congress chained by formulas Burnside's expedition a sign of life Will this McClellan ever advance? Mr.

The city is more and more crowded with Jeremy Diddlers, with lecturers, with sensation-seekers, all of them in advance discounting their hero, and showing in broad light their gigantic stupidity. Never I heard in Europe such balderdash. And the ladies not the women and gentlewomen are worse than the men in thus stupefying themselves and those around them.

They offered him 1,500 pounds worth of shares instead of his paltry eight guineas cash. On this he swept his premises of them. What a godsend you would have been to these Jeremy Diddlers, you and the ten thousand they would have bled you of." The old banker turned pale. "Oh, that is nothing new, sir.

He would seem to take me by the throat, saying, 'why don't you laugh why don't you burst with merriment? and then I would force a dismal grin, just to get rid of him. "I said to myself, I will leave this selfish Sahara called the city and county of New York I will leave its dust, dirt, carts, confusion, bulls, bears, Peter Funks, Jeremy Diddlers, and, best of all, the Funny Fellow.