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Galileo, in Dialogo intorno, written between 1621 and 1632 and Nicolas Caboeus, of Ferrara, in his Philosophia magnetica, both reproduce analogous descriptions, not however without raising doubts as to the possibility of such a system.

Guicciardini's Dialogo del Reggimento di Firenze (Op. Ined. vol. ii. p. 94) sets forth the state of internal anarchy and external violence which followed the departure of Charles VIII., with wonderful acuteness. 'Se per sorte l' uno Oltramontano caccer

Dolce, apparently better instructed, gives, in his Dialogo della Pittura, Zuccato, best known as a mosaic worker, as his first master; next makes him pass into the studio of Gentile Bellini, and thence into that of the caposcuola Giovanni Bellini; to take, however, the last and by far the most important step of his early career when he becomes the pupil and partner, or assistant, of Giorgione.

Although we are expressly told in Dolce's Dialogo that Titian "painted the Twelve Cæsars, taking them in part from medals, in part from antique marbles," it is perfectly clear that of the exact copying of antiques such as is to be noted, for instance, in those marble medallions by Donatello which adorn the courtyard of the Medici Palace at Florence there can have been no question.

Strange to relate, her husband, the Marquis of Pescara, was destined to forestall his learned lady in the matter of poetry, for during his imprisonment at Milan in the year 1512, he composed a “Dialogo d’Amoreto send to his sorrowing wife at Ischia, a production which the learned Paolo Giovio, the historian and bishop of Nocera, pronounced as beingsummae jucunditatis,” though in reality it seems to have been feeble enough.

Two other masterpieces from Guicciardini's pen, the Dialogo del Reggimento di Firenze and the Storia Fiorentina, have been given to the world during the last twenty years. To have published them immediately after their author's death would have been inexpedient, since they are far too candid and outspoken to have been acceptable to the Medicean dynasty.

In 1525 had appeared a work by the Neapolitan Marco Antonio Epicuro de' Marsi, styled in the original edition 'dialogo di tre ciechi, and in later reprints 'tragi-commedia intitulata Cecaria . In this three blind men, one blind with love, another with jealousy, the third with gazing too intently on the sun-like beauty of his mistress, meet and determine to die together.

The other offspring of the marriage with Lucia were Francesco, supposed, though without substantial proof, to have been older than his brother, Caterina, and Orsa. At the age of nine, according to Dolce in the Dialogo della Pittura, or of ten, according to Tizianello's Anonimo, Titian was taken from Cadore to Venice, there to enter upon the serious study of painting.

It was the misfortune of Italy that the age of the despots was succeeded not by an age of free political existence, but by one of foreign servitude. See Guicciardini, 'Dialogo del Reggimento di Firenze, Op. Ined. vol. ii. p. 53, for a critique of the motives of tyrannicide in Italy.

El lenguaje es castizo y puro; el diálogo bien sostenido y chispeando gracias,...