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They wanted me to attind on Micksheen, but I sed no, an' so they've hired a darky in a uniform to luk after him. An' wanst a day Anne is goin' to march up to the show in a different dhress, an' luk in at Micksheen." At this point Judy's demureness gave way and she laughed till the tears came. The others could not but join. "Well, that's the top of the hill," said Mrs. Everard.

Thin he called out to his wife. 'Honoria, he says, 'bring a bar'l, he says. 'Molly has come away without annything on, he says, 'but Sarsfield's pa-ants. Thin he turned on his daughter. 'May th' Lord forgive ye, Molly Donahue, he says, 'this night! he says. 'Child, where is ye'er dhress? 'Tut, tut! says th' good man. 'Molly, he says, 'ye look well on that there bicycle, he says.

There was flags an' banners wavin' high, an' dhress and shtyle were shown, But the best av all the company was Misther John Malone. John Malone. There had been a royal dog-fight in the ravine at the back of the rifle-butts, between Learoyd's Jock and Ortheris's Blue Rot both mongrel Rampur hounds, chiefly ribs and teeth.

In our city the girls get four pounds for doin' next to nothin'. An' to see the dhress an' the shtyle o' thim fine girls! Why, yez cudn't tell them from their own misthresses. What wud yez be doin' in New York, wid yer clothes thrun on yez be a pitchfork, an' lukkin' as if they were made in the ark?

Th' natives seldom fight, but whin they get mad at wan another they r-run-a-muck. Whin a man r-runs-a-muck, sometimes they hang him an' sometimes they discharge him an' hire a new motorman. Th' women ar-re beautiful, with languishin' black eyes, an' they smoke see-gars, but ar-re hurried an' incomplete in their dhress.

Niver mind, you won't dhress like this ten years to come. Kiss your friends an' run along to your mother." Nonie, set down close to the Married Quarters, nodded with the quiet obedience of the soldier's child, but, ere she pattered off over the flagged path, held up her lips to be kissed by the Three Musketeers.

"So then they began to look at each other again; and myself, seeing at once dirty thoughts was in their heads, and that they tuk me for a poor beggar coming to crave charity, with that, says I, 'O, not at all, says I, 'by no manes, we have plenty of mate ourselves there below, and we'll dhress it, says I, 'if you would be plased to lind us the loan of a gridiron, says I, makin' a low bow.

"And suppose they did," said Andy, "I'd rather die, sure, than the disgrace should fall upon Oonah, there." "God bless you, Andy dear!" said Oonah. "Sure, you have the kind heart, anyhow; but I wouldn't for the world hurt or harm should come to you on my account." "Oh, don't be afeard!" said Andy, cheerily; "divil a hair I value all they can do; so dhress me up at once."

"'Ask it, says Cap Dhryfuss. "'Th' pris'ner must answer, says th' coort. 'It is now nearly six o'clock iv th' mornin', an' time to get up an' dhress. "'I refuse to make anny commint, says Cap Dhryfuss, "The pris'ner's remark, uttered in tones iv despair, caused gr-reat emotion in th' aujience. There were angry cries iv 'Lynch him! an' all eyes were tur-rned to th' Cap.

Did ye see John Malone, wid his shinin', brand-new hat? Did ye see how he walked like a grand aristocrat? There was flags an' banners wavin' high, an' dhress and shtyle were shown, But the best av all the company was Misther John Malone. John Malone.