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He wrote to Descordes, to whom he had already spoke his sentiments in several Letters, that he most humbly thanked the King for his inclination to honour him with his benefactions though absent, and that he was extremely sensible of the constant attention of his friends to serve him; but that he saw no just reason for accepting the King's favours since his departure from France.

Clement, which had been long lost to the world, was published in England by Junius , from a Manuscript brought from Egypt, and written about the time of the Council of Nice, he expressed his satisfaction to Descordes , in a letter from Hamburg, dated June 1, 1633. "You gave me great pleasure by informing me of the discovery of the Epistle of St. Clement of Rome.

"I must let you know, says he, that I have seen here Hugo Grotius. He is a man of admirable probity and learning ." They had long conversations together on religion. Casaubon ardently desired a reunion of the Protestants with the Roman Catholics : and would have set about it, had he staid longer in France, as he informed Descordes, who repeated it to Grotius.

He mentions it to Descordes Nov. 13, 1633, and informs him that though several settlements were offered him, he had not yet determined which to embrace, but would soon come to a resolution. He passed his time in writing his Sophomphanæus, or Tragedy of Joseph , which he finished whilst at Hamburg. Salvius, Vice-Chancellor of Sweden, a great statesman, and a man of learning, was then at Hamburg.

A Minister called D'Or, turning Roman Catholic , Grotius discovered little concern at it, and speaks of it with great calmness in a letter to his brother. "What D'Or has just done, says he, the learned Pithou did before him: Casaubon was resolved to do the same had he remained longer in France, as he assured several persons, and among others Descordes.

I hope however that my situation will permit me to see France again, and my dear friends, and to thank them personally; you, Messieurs de Thou, Descordes, Du Puis, Pelletier, whose names will remain engraven on my heart wherever fortune carries me." Lusson yielded to his reasons, and approved of his disinterestedness . He led a dull life at Hamburg.

He had confiscated to his own use the whole town-library at La Rochelle; and Naudé was anxious that Mazarin's great undertaking should begin with an acquisition en bloc. A provincial governor named Simeon Dubois had made a collection in the Limousin. His books had passed into the hands of Jean Descordes, a Canon of Limoges, who died in 1642 possessed of about 6000 volumes.

The CCCXXIXth, to John Descordes, Canon of Limoges, treats of the power of Bishops over the Monks, and several other points of the ancient Church discipline. He proves, in the CCCLVIIth, to Jerom Bignon, Advocate-General, that the letter ascribed to Pope Clement, which was published in 1633, is really his.