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As to the "homologous insects" of the Upper Miocene period in Switzerland, we find among them, mingled with genera now wholly foreign to Europe, some very familiar forms, such as the common glowworm, Lampyris noctiluca, Linn., the dung-beetle, Geotrupes stercorarius, Linn., the ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata, Linn., the ear-wig, Forficula auricularia, Linn., some of our common dragon-flies, as Libellula depressa, Linn., the honey-bee, Apis mellifera, Linn., the cuckoo spittle insect, Aphrophora spumaria, Linn., and a long catalogue of others, to all of which Professor Heer had given new names, but which some entomologists may regard as mere varieties until some stronger reasons are adduced for coming to a contrary opinion.

Testa umbilicata, depresso-globosa, subcarinata, solida, radiato striata et subtilissime granulata, flavida; spira late depressa, convexiuscula, apice obtusa; anfractus 6 convexiusculi, ultimo obsolete carinato; apertura lunaris, intus alba; peristoma superne rectum, margine basali margine columellarique sub-reflexis, umbilicus profundus, conspicuus, vix obtectus.

It occurs about the roots of trees in the Frankland and Lizard Islands. Helix iuloidea. Tab. 2 fig. 4. a, b, c, d. Testa late et perspective umbilicata, orbicularis, superne depressa seu subconcava, rufo-cornea, regulariter costulata; anfractus 4 1/2 convexiusculi, ultimus tumidus, rotundatus; apertura lunaris; peristoma simplex, acutum. Diam. maj. 4 1/2, min. 4, alt. 3 mill.

MacLachlan believes that in the male of Libellula depressa this change of colour does not occur until nearly a fortnight after the metamorphosis, when the sexes are ready to pair.