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The rest of the asseveration was lost in Phoebe's ear, so closely did the keeper's lips approach it; and if they approached so very near as to touch her cheek, grief, like impatience, hath its privileges, and poor Phoebe had enough of serious alarm to prevent her from demurring upon such a trifle.

Cardinal Monti received him cordially, heard his complaint and, after demurring slightly, accepted his offer to lead the soldiers against the redoubtable brigands, agreeing to place two hundred of the Swiss Guard properly officered and equipped at the disposal of himself and Captain Morrel. It was decided that the expedition should start from the Castle of St.

But, in my soul, I know that both these are hollow pretenses to lighten the weight on my conscience. "But," say I, with discontented demurring, "you have been away often before! how did Tempest get on then?" He laughs.

After some demurring on the part of Orcutt, he called a stenographer and drew a contract, which he duly signed and handed to Wentworth, who thrust it into his pocket with the packet of papers. "Let's see those papers of McNabb's," said Orcutt. Wentworth smiled. "That is hardly necessary, do you think? I will vouch for the date and the location need not concern you at present.

Holbrook spoke, but to poor, dazed Maddy his words were all a riddle. It was nothing to him who was he that he should be dictating thus? There seemed to be a difference of opinion between the young men, Guy insisting that out of pity she should not be rejected; and the doctor demurring on the ground that he ought to be more strict.

Pecquius replied that he thought his master might agree to the two first propositions while demurring to the third, as it would probably not seem honourable to him to separate man and wife, and as it was doubtful whether the Princess would return of her own accord.

I find by another Letter from one that calls himself Thirsis, that his Mistress has been Demurring above these seven Years. But among all my Plaintiffs of this Nature, I most pity the unfortunate Philander, a Man of a constant Passion and plentiful Fortune, who sets forth that the timorous and irresolute Silvia has demurred till she is past Child-bearing.

"Impossible!" she said, her cheek flaming. "I'll go and talk to Wilson; he'll manage it," said Ashe, getting up. Kitty pursued him, arguing incessantly. He lounged along, turning every now and then to look at her, smiling and demurring, his hat on the back of his head. "You see the difference," said Mrs. Alcot, in Darrell's ear. "Last year Kitty would have got her way. This year she won't."

So on a day the Puritan pastor, somewhat demurring because he was a foreigner, yet withal not loath to ride a tilt with the enemy, confronted Episcopus, the Arminian professor; and it is reported by the Calvinists that his overwhelming arguments utterly nonplussed and put the great Episcopus to rout. Oh, those theological debates! About the paltry affairs of this world it was not right to quarrel.

"I don't know," said Doris, coolly. "I think I did sometimes. The question is how long it will last." She looked, smiling, at her interrogator. The gentleman with the whiskers stooped across the table. "Oh, nothing lasts in this world. But that of course is what makes a good time so good." Doris turned towards him demurring for the sake of conversation.