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It is not likely that any great number of spermatozoa are released, those that are probably make their way along the vasa deferentia to the ampullæ. The liquid secretion of the testes probably does not leave the testes but is reabsorbed.

The vasa deferentia were seen as white convoluted threads on the peritoneum, but contained no spermatozoa. On July 29, 1911, a little more than eleven months after the operation, I examined and killed the second of these castrated cocks, the speckled mongrel-bred bird.

They were both pervious and opened into the vagina, near the opening of the urethra. "On the posterior surface of the bladder, or between the uterus and the bladder, were the two bags, called vesiculæ seminales in the male, but much smaller than they are in the bull. The ducts opened along with the vasa deferentia. This animal, then, had a mixture of all the parts, but all of them were imperfect."

The scrotum may be normal or split; the testicles, commonly two in number, may be normal or atrophic, descended or undescended; the prostate may be normal or imperfectly developed, as may also the vasa deferentia and vesiculae seminales.

The spermatozoa, together with a small amount of the liquid secretion, will make their way gradually along the vasa deferentia and collect in the ampullæ. The bulk of the liquid secretion, however, will, in the course of the following hours or days, be reabsorbed, thus making for virility.

There is complete disagreement between the results of Ancel and Bouin on the one hand, and those of Shattock and Seligmann on the other, with regard to the effects of ligature of the vasa deferentia. The latter authors, as mentioned above, found that after ligature not only the somatic characters but the testis itself developed normally.

The epididemes, or prostatae are fixed to the upper part of the testes, and from them spring the vasa deferentia, or ejaculatoria, which deposit the seed into the vesicule seminales when they come near the neck of the bladder. There are two of these vesiculae, each like a bunch of grapes, which emit the seed into the urethra in the act of copulation.