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And then there would be the instantaneous selling of the vast districts obtained by conquest and now held by the Roman State. When so much land would be thrown into the market it would be sold very cheap and would be sold to those whom the "decemviri" might choose to favor.

Immediately a day was given out by the decemviri for another sacrifice to the same goddess, which was performed in the following order: two white heifers were led from the temple of Apollo into the city through the Carmental gate; after these, two cypress images of Juno Regina were carried; after these went seven and twenty virgins, arrayed in white vestments, and singing in honour of Juno Regina a hymn, which to the uncultivated minds of that time might appear to have merit, but if repeated now would seem inelegant and uncouth.

At that time both the consuls and tribunes of the people abdicated their magistracies, and the decemviri were appointed, who were invested with great authority, from which there was no appeal whatever, so as to exercise the chief domination, and to compile the laws. One member of this college, however, merits our highest commendation.

Did the Romans tamely submit to the tyranny of the decemviri? Relate the particulars of this transaction. What resolution did Appius form? Who was this maiden? What was Appius's first determination? On what did he next resolve? To what means did he have recourse for the accomplishment of his purpose? Did Claudius undertake this base? Was the opposition of the people ultimately successful?

We can hardly now hope to unravel all the intended details, but we may be sure that the basis on which property stood would have been altogether changed by the measure. The "decemviri" were to have plenary power for ten years. All the taxes in all the provinces were to be sold, or put up to market.

Thus the whole constitution of the state at once took a new form, and a dreadful experiment was about to be tried, of governing one nation by laws formed from the manners and customs of another. These Decemviri, being now invested with absolute power, agreed to take the reins of government by turns, each to administer justice for a day. 10.

There were also funeral games exhibited that year in the forum, for the space of four days, on occasion of the death of Marcus Valerius Laevinus, by his sons Publius and Marcus, who gave also a show of gladiators, in which twenty-five pairs fought. Marcus Aurelius Cotta, one of the decemviri of the sacred books, died, and Manius Acilius Glabrio was substituted in his room.

Denta'tus too late perceived the treachery of the decemviri, and was resolved to sell his life as dearly as he could; he therefore set his back against a rock, and defended himself against those who pressed most closely. Though now grown old, he had still the remains of his former valour, and, with his own hand, killed no less than fifteen of the assailants, and wounded thirty. 26.

What means were adopted for this purpose? What happened during their absence? How long did this calamity last? What steps were taken on the return of the ambassadors? Who were chosen for this purpose? Was this proceeding an important one? In what manner did the decemviri govern? How did they discharge the duties of their office? Did they continue in the conscientious discharge of their duties?

We may justly address you, as the Decemviri did the Romans, and say: "Nothing that we propose, can pass into a law without your consent. Be yourselves, O Americans, the authors of those laws on which your happiness depends." You have now, in the field, armies sufficient to repel the whole force of your enemies, and their base and mercenary auxiliaries.