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And many a man whom fraud or law had sold For from his god-built land, an outcast slave, I brought again to Athens; yea, and some, Exiles from home through debt's oppressive load, Speaking no more the dear ATHENIAN tongue, But wandering far and wide, I brought again; And those that here in vilest slavery Crouched 'neath a master's frown, I set them free.

And practical life abounds in cases of brilliant results from a course of generous and honest policy. The proverb says that "an empty bag cannot stand upright;" neither can a man who is in debt. It is also difficult for a man who is in debt to be truthful; hence it is said that lying rides on debt's back.

"Many," said Siward slowly; "too many to utter, but not enough to express what I feel. If you will take two on account, here they are in one phrase: thank you." "Debt's cancelled," said Plank, laughing. "Do you want to hear the details?"

"Davy," he said at last, "don't you think it's about time to clean this up? It's been running a good while." David flushed and his head went up. "Of course, if you'd rather not indorse " "Don't be a fool, Davy. It isn't that. There's nothing Mrs. Jim and I wouldn't do for you and Shirley, and you know it. What I mean is, debt's a bad habit.

You will be in fear, when you speak to him! You will make poor pitiful sneaking excuses! and, by degrees, come to lose your veracity, and sink into base downright lying! For, as Poor RICHARD says, The second vice is Lying, the first is Running into Debt: and again, to the same purpose, Lying rides upon Debt's back.

At best He's but a caterpillar dress'd; The gaudy fop's his picture just. The second vice is lying; the first is running in debt. Lying rides upon debt's back. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Creditors are a superstitious sect, great observers of set days and times. The borrower is a slave to the lender, and the debtor to the creditor.

"Yes, I have, sir," said Ramsey, putting his hand in his pocket, and bringing out the money, "the debt's two pound ten, and the costs three pound five, and here it is, Sir;" and he sighed like bricks, as he lugged out the money, done up in a bit of blotting-paper. Old Fogg looked first at the money, and then at him, and then he coughed in his rum way, so that I knew something was coming.

Mr Edward Lees, secretary to the Manchester and County Bank, has put forward a scheme by which taxpayers can buy in advance immunity for so many years from so much annual income tax. If this suggestion could be worked it might provide a means of quickening the debt's repayment, though it looks rather like exchanging one form of debt for another.

And if there's a single mortal thing 't I can do for you that debt's paid an' overpaid, a hundred thousand times. A hundred thousand times, sir, yes, sir." "A hundred thousand is a sizable number, Lem but we understand each other. Shake hands and God speed your efforts!" This little talk had taken place on the night before, and Lady Gray had taken an opportunity to relate it to Dorothy.

Old Cap'n Seabury lent this Omaha man two or three thousand dollars and set him up in business. Course, the debt's outlawed, but Olive don't realize that, or, if she did, it wouldn't count with her. She couldn't understand how law would have any effect on payin' money you honestly owe.