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Having entered this school as a day-boarder, he remained under Mr Ready's care until the year 1826. To facile companionship with his school-fellows Browning was not prone, but he found among them one or two abiding friends.

It was the prospect of one of these delightful entertainments that was exhilarating Brown this Saturday afternoon. And it must be confessed the excitement was due to very opposite emotions in the breast of the day-boarder. The doctor and his ladies were coming!

But it was not the prospect of the coming race which this Saturday afternoon was agitating the mind of Master Henry Brown. Brown was a Limpet, belonging to the schoolhouse, who occupied the distinguished position of being the only day-boarder in Willoughby.

At the corner of the street, a gentleman, who proved to be our day-boarder, got upon the box with the driver, and remained there while Miss Jorgensen made her calls. Finding him constantly there, and becoming suspicious, she ordered the carriage home, and gave directions to have it return an hour later to take her down town for some shopping.

My two elder brothers had been sent as day-boarders to Harrow School from the bigger house, and may probably have been received among the aristocratic crowd, not on equal terms, because a day-boarder at Harrow in those days was never so received, but at any rate as other day-boarders.

My father at this time having left my mother and sisters with my younger brother in America, took himself to live at a wretched tumble-down farmhouse on the second farm he had hired! And I was taken there with him. It was nearly three miles from Harrow, at Harrow Weald, but in the parish; and from this house I was again sent to that school as a day-boarder.

Nothing escaped his observation; nothing was uttered that he did not hear, often replying most unexpectedly to what was not intended for him a practice that would have been annoying but for a certain tact and good humor which disarmed criticism. The whole family, while admitting that our new day-boarder was not exactly congenial, confessed to liking his amusing talk immensely.

Perhaps Eileen was trusted as a foreigner: perhaps Marcelle, being a day-boarder, weighed less upon the convent's conscience. There came a time when even their desks adjoined and were not put asunder. For by this time Madame La Supèrieure herself, at the monthly reading of the marks, had often beamed upon Eileen.

"I went to school at the end of the vacation, but as a day-boarder; Mr. Mornington, having told me to consider his house as my future home. "A boy who came from our village to Dr.

In her love for her brother and her pride she found pleasure even in such moral suffering and weariness. She would return home worn out to look after Olivier, who was a day-boarder at his school and only came home in the evening. She would cook their dinner a wretched dinner on the gas-stove or over a spirit-lamp.