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With an inviting leer, the crone pointed to a pewter measure of raw spirits that accompanied the viands, and assured her, in a cracked and maudlin voice, that "'Old Tom' was a kinder friend than any of the young fellers!" This intrusion ended, Alice was again left alone till dusk, when Darvil entered with a bundle of clothes, such as are worn by the peasants of that primitive district of England.

"And have you," said he, hesitating, as he loitered by the door after the stroke of twelve had warned him to take his leave "have you never heard anything of my my the unfortunate Alice Darvil?" "Who? Oh, that poor young woman; I remember! not a syllable." Maltravers sighed deeply and departed.

"Apprehended on suspicion of stealing that gold chain and seals which you wear so ostentatiously." "By goles, but you're a clever fellow," said Darvil, involuntarily; "you know human natur." The banker smiled: strange to say, he was pleased with the compliment.

"Sweet girl," he said, with involuntary and mechanical compliment, "how well this light becomes you. How shall I thank you for not forgetting me?" Alice surrendered her hand to his without a struggle. "What is your name?" said he, bending his face down to hers. "Alice Darvil." "And your terrible father, is he, in truth, your father?" "Indeed he is my father and mother too!"

But I tell you that you shall quit this house in half an hour that you shall never enter it again but at your peril; and if you do within ten minutes from that time you shall be in the town gaol. It is no longer a contest between you and your defenceless daughter; it is a contest between " "A tramper in fustian, and a gemman as drives a coach," interrupted Darvil, laughing bitterly, yet heartily.

She hastened to dress herself and seek an audience with her protector; and the latter found with admiration and pleasure that he had anticipated her own instantaneous and involuntary design in the settlement made upon Darvil.

"But," resumed Darvil, helping himself to another slice of beef, "you are in the wrong box planted in Queer Street, as /we/ say in London; for if you care a d n about my daughter's respectability, you will never muzzle her father on suspicion of theft and so there's tit for tat, my old gentleman!" "I shall deny that you are her father, Mr.

The servant retreated, as if a pistol had been put to her head, and Darvil, laughing loud, threw himself again upon the sofa. Alice looked at him, and, still without saying a word, glided from the room her child in her arms. She hurried down-stairs, and in the hall met her servant. The latter, who was much attached to her mistress, was alarmed to see her about to leave the house.

"What, not dressed yet?" he exclaimed, in a voice of impatient rage; "hark ye, this won't do. If in two minutes you are not ready, I'll send up John Walters to help you; and he is a rough hand, I can tell you." This threat recalled Alice, to herself. "I will do as you wish," said she meekly. "Well, then, be quick," said Darvil; "they are now putting the horse to.

Now then " as Darvil spoke he seized his daughter in his arms; threw over her a shawl and a cloak that lay at hand, and was already on the threshold. "I don't half like it," said Walters, grumblingly "it been't safe." "At least it is as safe as murder!" answered Darvil, turning round, with a ghastly grin. "Make haste."