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I tole him I was goin' to bully them directers to keep him in his job but he don't know how I'm doin' it." "I'm glad he doesn't know," sighed Tillie. "Yes, he darsent know till it's all over oncet."

And then again, when I got to the doctor's, he said he wanted a pass, too; for he darsent go to see a whig woman without one, which I must go and get him from Squire Evans, another committee man. Well, finding there was no other way to get him started, I went, feeling all the time just between crying and fighting.

God bless that lady! I say, wherever she is to-day, 'nd God bless all wimmin folks, for they're all alike in their unselfishness 'nd gentleness 'nd love! Bill said, "God bless ye!" too, when she handed him back his poor little yaller baby. The little creeter wuz fast asleep, 'nd Bill darsent speak very loud for fear he'd wake it up.

"Why, gener'ly speakin'," he went on, with sudden enthusiasm, "they ain't much better'n skippin' sheep. Y' see they want to but darsent. So wal they jest set me up to sling the hot air." The girl looked appealingly at the rough faces for assistance. But instead of help she only beheld an expression of general discontent turned on the unconscious back of the spokesman.

For our legation, though they can't dance, p'raps, as well as the French one can, could set all Europe a dancin' in wide awake airnest, if it chose. They darsent refuse us nothin', or we would fust embargo, and then go to war. Any one you want to know, I'll give you the ticket.

Her father tried to shake her off, but she clung to his arm with the strength of madness, knowing that if she could make him grasp, even in his passionate anger, the real import of her threat, he would yield to her. "I'll marry Absalom! I'll marry him to-morrow!" she repeated. "You darsent you ain't of age! Let go my arm, or I'll slap you ag'in!" "I shall be of age in three months!

Well, I'd like to get you spoilt good fur your pop that's what I'd like to do!" "We darsent go too fur," warned Aunty Em, "or he won't leave her stay with us at all." "Now there's you, Abe," remarked the doctor, dryly; "from the time your childern could walk and talk a'ready all you had to say was 'Go' and they stayed. Ain't?" Mr. Wackernagel joined in the loud laughter of his wife and daughters.

"I thought 'twould be jes so!" he exclaimed, between his sobs and outcries. "I most knowed when that man hired father to have me go to show the woman the way I most knowed she was running away, and would get me into some scrape. Then the man, like enough, had done something, so he darsent go any furder with her. And now they'll lay it at to me boo-hoo! oo-oo-oo!"

Yes, sir, you're a twenty-two karat gentleman; you're the first professor the freaks darsent josh!" Von Barwig bowed his head. He was grateful to Costello; the man had made his hideous task almost bearable. "Now I don't want to lose her and I don't want to lose you," Costello went on, "but things have got to go right, see? They've got to! You're one of them kind that can take a tip.

For our legation, though they can't dance, p'raps, as well as the French one can, could set all Europe a dancin' in wide awake airnest, if it chose. They darsent refuse us nothin', or we would fust embargo, and then go to war. Any one you want to know, I'll give you the ticket.