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"I do not feel any pain, but neither can I feel my hand," answered Danveld. "Because it has grown stiff already; that is why you do not feel any pain. It will come back in a warm room. In the meanwhile, thank God even for a moment of relief." Rotgier and Godfried approached the wagon. "What a misfortune!" said the first. "What shall we do now?"

Having heard this, von Loeve turned his severe eyes on Danveld; but the latter again rubbed his lips with the upper part of his hand and said: "And now to Szczytno as soon as we can!" Before starting on the journey to Szczytno, the four brothers of the Order and de Fourcy went to bid the prince and the princess adieu.

"That is true," said the prince. "That guest must have opposed them in something, or perhaps be did not wish to lie as was necessary for them. I saw them wink at him, to induce him to say that Jurand was the first to begin the fight." Then Mrokota of Mocarzew said: "He is a strong boy, if be could crush the arm of that dog Danveld."

There were some among the garrison who suspected something, but that affair confused them, and they do not know now themselves whether an error happened on our part, or whether some wizard really exchanged Jurand's daughter." "This is good," said Zygfried. "I have been thinking again, noble count, whether, since Danveld lives no longer, we should not cast all the guilt upon him...."

De Lorche, hearing the name von Bergow, began to inquire about him, and, having found out, said: "He is a relative of the Duke of Geldryi, a great benefactor of the Order, and devoted to the Order from his birth." "Yes," said the knight of Dlugolas, translating his words to those present. "Von Bergow held high rank in the Order." "Danveld and von Loeve strongly demanded him," remarked the prince.

But Zygfried von Loeve and Arnold von Baden broke through the enemy's ranks and escaped." "Did you see her?" asked Zbyszko, with beating heart. "I did not see her face, sir, but I saw a closed litter made of brushwood, suspended between two horses, in which there was somebody, led by that very lizard, the same servant of the Order who came from Danveld to the Forest Court.

He would have remained there, but some presence is always near him which sounds like one who is breathless. And that is that very Danveld, whom the terrible lord of Spychow killed. Then Zygfried says to him: 'What shall I do? Very often Rotgier appears, and the odor of sulphur is noticeable, and the comthur has a lengthy conversation with him. 'I cannot, he says to him. 'I cannot.

Therefore von Bergow's inquiry touched the most painful string of his soul, and, after a long silence, he said: "Danveld stands before God, and God will judge him, while you, duke, should they ask you for conjectures, answer what you please; should they again ask you about what you saw, then say that before we coiled a wild man in a net you saw nine corpses, besides the wounded, on this floor, and among them the bodies of Danveld, Brother Godfried, von Bracht and Hugues, and two noble youths.... God, give them eternal peace.

Upon that Danveld turned to those assembled and said quietly but pointedly: "I take you all present as witnesses and especially you, Zygfried of Insburk, and you pious brothers, Rotgier and Godfried, that, according to my word and given promise, I restore that girl, who was said by the robbers whom we defeated, to be the daughter of Jurand of Spychow.

"No, count," replied Rotgier; "I ordered the floor to be scrubbed and the place to be fumigated with sulphur. It is the odor of sulphur." And Zygfried looked at those present with a strange glance, and said: "God have mercy upon the soul of our brothers Danveld and Godfried!"