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I don't mind trying to be civil to Aunt 'Lizbeth, provided you tell her exactly how you are situated, and promise me never to bet with Captain Dancy, or borrow money of him again. 'I promise most faithfully. 'And if you can't afford to live in this grand house, Howel, why don't you give it up, and take to the law, or anything to get your living? Perhaps, if you did, we should be happy again.

She was at once taken with Owen's handsome face, and talked to him incessantly, whilst Captain Dancy seated himself near Netta, and devoted himself to her much more closely than Owen liked. However, he was very hungry, and managed to make a good breakfast.

'You see, we must have money! says Howel, 'I, at least, must have six thousand five hundred pounds before this month is out. I owe that to Dancy, who, of all men in the world, I don't choose to make wait. If I lose at the Derby, I must have twenty thousand more. 'But the chances are you will win. Alma is pretty safe, I think. 'Yes, if we can manage to drug Magnificent.

Well, as I said, all the shiver places were there, and I shivered again as I looked at them; then I crossed over to Mother's old piano, opened it, and touched the keys. I love to play. There wasn't any music there, but I don't need music for lots of my pieces. I know them by heart only they're all gay and lively, and twinkly-toe dancy. Marie music.

'Howel, I asked Captain Dancy not to insist upon that money. 'You did! That is why he let me off with half for another month. What did he say? 'He said, Howel, that if I would go to France with him he would forgive your debt. 'And you, Netta? Howel clenched his fist. 'And I, Howel? I left the room, and have never seen him since. He called after, but I could not speak to him again.

'I fear we must all leave on Tuesday or Wednesday, said Miss Simpson: 'at least if you still intend going to London with us, Madame Duvet. I have had a letter from home, positively refusing any further extension of leave, and my brother promises to return with me. 'We may as well all go together, then, said Captain Dancy, 'as I must be in town this week; and Deep goes up on Tuesday.

Howel led her, proud of her beauty, to the portly Sir John, who patted her kindly on the cheeks, and reminded Netta so strongly of her father that the tears sprung into her eyes. Howel's frown soon checked them, and a thundering knock at the door, followed by the entrance of Mr Simpson, junior, and his friend, Captain Dancy, turned her attention from the father to the son.

And as Dave Dancy started to go somebody laughed. In another second we were all laughing and the danger was over. When an American crowd begins laughing the danger is always over. Newspaper men down in that town still talk about the story that Ike Webb wrote for the last edition of the Evening Press that afternoon.

By this cupboard stands a daughter of Sir Thomas More's, putting on her right-hand glove, and having under her arm a book bound in red Turkey leather and gilt, with this inscription round the outside of the cover Epistolica Senecæ. Over her head is written in Latin, Elizabeth Dancy, daughter of Sir Thomas More, aged 21.

In the court he fell in with Captain Dancy, who told him that he had wished to say a good word for Howel on his wife's account, for whom he entertained a great respect; but that Howel had positively refused any aid whatever from him. He thought this strange, as he owed him a large sum of money, and he had not brought forward his claim.