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"True, true!" groaned the chorus. The boy, who had borne his father's blow without a murmur, now again attempted remonstrance. "The hot water went over the gray cat, too, but Master Warner never bewitched her, daddy." "He takes his part! You hear the daff laddy?

'Is he an ill man to her? asked Dame Lilias little prepossessed by his looks. 'He! Madame, mind you an auld tale of the Eatin wi' no heart in his body! I verily believe he and his father both were created like that giant. No that the King is sair to live with either, so that he can eat and drink and daff, and be let alone to take his ease.

Next, word came to Dill that the attorney for the bank was actually engaged in drawing up the contract. "We may even be able to sign it to-morrow," he said to Virgilia. "We shall have Japan in good season, and much more in between. Tell me; are we not selfish in keeping our happiness to ourselves? Shall you not " "I am ready to let the whole world know, dear Daff," she responded.

There is some testimony on record, and perhaps there might be much were it not that, having to do with things so immediately personal, and generally so delicate, answers to prayer would naturally not often be talked about; but no testimony concerning the thing can well be conclusive; for, like a reported miracle, there is always some way to daff it; and besides, the conviction to be got that way is of little value; it avails nothing to know the thing by the best of evidence.

Ignace stared now at his rival in love just as before he had stared at his rival in art, yet held in check both by the intimidating splendour of the ceremonial and by his own uncertainty as to the precise significance of the situation. O'Grady hurried back to Dill. "Daff, Daff!" he cried with wide eyes and with a tremulous finger that pointed back toward the tea-table, "is that the man?"

As we placed an overcoat over the shapeless form, I heard a sniffle behind me and found the red-haired mechanician at my side. "You didn't get him, you dirty cops. He got away from you, after all." "Yes, he's safe now," I murmured. "Sure! An' he would 'a' been always if he hadn't been daff' over women. He never had no luck when he played the women.

The world has changed since then; but Spain is no land of change; and, looking on the imperishable outline of the Andaluçian hills, unaltered, probably, since a time to which the period of my tale is but as yesterday, it is easy for me to "daff aside" the noisy world without, and, dropping quietly behind the age, to picture to myself my old-fashioned grandfather issuing forth from yonder white-walled town of Algeçiras with his future bride.

Anyway, we'll keep up the pretence of good terms. Let's go." Virgilia and Daffingdon had given over all mention of Japan, and had left off the shy, desultory house-hunting that had occupied the spare hours of their engagement. This great question with the bank must be settled first. Nor was Virgilia sure that Daff was proving to be all she had fancied him.

The general effect was brilliant enough, yet Yes, surely they were too loquacious, too demonstrative; they were talking against time, they were working under cover, they were kicking up a dust. And, yes both Daff and Virgilia, in the midst of this gay chatter, shot certain furtive, sidelong glances whither so many had been sent before. The group in the doorway showed signs of breaking up.

She put her handkerchief to her eyes as if she had become, instead, a fount of tears. And as such she next appeared to Dill. "I felt so sure, dear Daff, that we could put it through," she mourned. "And now and now " Daffingdon drew her discouraged head down against his shoulder, in his most noble and manful mode.