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Since the departure of Bradamanti, who had accompanied the step-mother of Madame d'Harville to Normandy, Tortillard had returned to his father's house. Placed as lookout on the top of the staircase leading down to the inn, the little cripple was to notify the arrival of the Martials by a concerted signal, Bras-Rouge being then in secret conference with Narcisse Borel, a police-officer.

"Six, in the little winter breakfast parlor." "And the invitations?" "I will go and write them. A man from the stables can take them round on horseback. It is early; they will all be found at home. Ring." D'Harville entered his cabinet, and wrote the following notes, without any other address than the name of the invited: "My Dear * This is a circular; an impromptu affair is in agitation.

On one occasion, one of the domestics replied to a remark made by Adrienne: "Monsieur Pichereau, who preceded Monsieur le Ministre, and Monsieur le Comte d'Harville, who preceded Monsieur Pichereau, considered my service very proper, madame." Adrienne accepted as well as she could the necessities of her new position. Since that was power, let power rule!

"Yes, madame, I will go, if you wish, to find her, I can also ask about Louise Morel, who is in the other part of the prison." "I shall be much obliged," answered Madame d'Harville, and she remained alone. "It is singular," said she; "I cannot account for the strange impression which the name of Rudolph caused me. Truly, I am mad! between him and such a creature, what relations can exist?"

I was sufficiently master of myself to conceal my embarrassment, as I went to seek her with the Marchioness d'Harville. Thinking of the circumstances of the portrait, I expected to see the Princess Amelia share my embarrassment.

"Where the devil is he gone to?" said Charles to himself. "If these reports are absurd, so much the better. Never mind, I prefer to have my money. I will buy the chateau they have spoken to me of, with Gothic towers of the time of Louis XIV.; that will give me a noble appearance. It will not be like my affair with this prude of a Madame d'Harville fine game!

Madame d'Harville desires to give some grand balls, and our three saloons are not large enough; besides, I find nothing more inconvenient than the encroachments made by a fete on the apartments which one habitually occupies, and from which, for the time, you are exiled."

You sent me off in time; one hour later, a new crime would have been committed." "And Madame d'Harville?" "She is overjoyed at regaining her father's affection, and at having arrived in time, thanks in your advice, to save him from certain death." "Polidori?" "Was once more the worthy accomplice of the stepmother of Madame d'Harville. But what a monster is this step-mother! what audacity!

"How, man of iron, you relent?" said the step-mother of Madame d'Harville, laughing; "you submit also to the charms of the irresistible?"

So, you will be obliged to come and see us," she said to La Louve. "Oh! lady, I will come, very sure," answered she, "since it is to say adieu to La Goualeuse; I should be very sad not to be able to see her once more." A few moments afterward Lady d'Harville and La Goualeuse were on the road to Paris.