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His eyes swung about the cots until they came to rest on Feldman. He frowned, and a twisted smile curved his lips. "Feldman, isn't it? You still look something like your pictures. Do you know the deceased?" Feldman shook his head bitterly. "No. I don't know his name. I don't even know why he wasn't cyanotic at the end, if it was space-stomach. Do you, doctor?"

On the first day she lay in bed with cyanotic extremities, weak pulse, grunting, moaning and not responding in any way when examined. After this the moaning and grunting ceased and she was essentially indifferent, and for the most part kept her eyes closed. Often she wet and soiled herself. She was resistive to any care or examination.

According to Osler two forms of congestion occur, which may be seen in adjacent fingers, one of which may be swollen, intensely red, and extremely hot; the other swollen, cyanotic, and intensely cold.

The slightly purplish, cyanotic tinge of his skin had given way to a clear pallor; the skin was itself disquietingly cold, the blood-pressure only slightly subnormal. The pulse was more rapid, stronger; the breathing faint but regular, and with no laboring. The pupils of his eyes were contracted almost to the point of invisibility. I could get no nervous reactions whatever.

Next it seems as if the strongly contracted arterioles begin actually to prevent some of the peripheral circulation, the blood is piled up in the large arteries, and the venous circulation becomes more and more sluggish, while the lips, finger nails and forehead become cyanotic.

These substances are not very active poisons, and, as a rule, even children recover. The breath has the odour of paraffin, the face is pale and cyanotic, hot and dry, and there may be vomiting. Death may result from gastro-enteritis or from coma. Fatal Dose. In the case of an adult, 1/2 pint should not prove lethal, and patients have recovered after drinking a pint. Treatment.

The colt may have been trampled upon by its dam in such manner that the tendon was divided. No noticeable evidence of injury to the skin was to be seen on its outer surface, but on the fascial side a cyanotic congested area, which was situated immediately over the site of the ruptured tendon, was very evident.

Without this normal hormone for the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, there would be a disturbance of skin and circulatory reactions that would interfere with the normal heat loss. Suggestive evidence to support this view comes from the frequency with which the extremities are cyanotic or cold, the skin greasy, sweating profuse or absent, and so on.

She lay for the most part motionless, changing her position but rarely; her expression was stolid; she retained and drooled saliva, wet and soiled herself. She never answered any questions; showed no interest whatever. At times she was quite stiff and very resistive but never cataleptic. Her extremities were cold and cyanotic. She had to be tube-fed throughout. During this time she lost much hair.

She said she heard her mother’s voice. Then after a month the stupor became more continuous. She lay totally inactive for the most part, had to be fed, soiled herself, drooled saliva, was at times cataleptic, often rigid. Her limbs became cyanotic. A few times tears were seen.