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Croquettes are made from a soft creamy mixture chilled on ice till firm enough to mould, then simply dipped into egg and crumbs and fried in very hot fat. Many only stick a sprig of parsley where the bone should be, to keep up the fiction. The rolls are then egged, crumbed, and fried. Rissoles are the same thing, only rather easier to prepare, being rolled in very thin pastry instead of pork.

If they are egged and crumbed, the egg will form a covering, hardening at once, and absolutely impervious to fat. Pan-fish, as they are called, flounders and small fish generally, can also be fried by rolling in Indian meal or flour, and browning in the fat of salt pork. Baking and broiling preserve the flavor most thoroughly.

Molly could have sworn deep and long had it been possible. "No; why should I be?" She stared at him for a moment indifferently, as at a stranger, but he could see the nervous movement of her fingers as she crumbed her bread. "It is more likely," he answered, "that I should remember what I allude to than that you should. We once had a talk about being bored.

Though they be, as some term them, cock-crowed pottage, yet they are as sweet, as good, as dainty, and as fresh, as they were at first. The sun hath not made them sour with its heat, neither hath the cold water taken away their vigour and strength. Compare them with the Scriptures, and see if they be not as well seasoned and crumbed.

Butter a pudding-dish, and bake the mixture half an hour. Canned corn can be used in the same way. Peel, cut in slices half an inch thick, and lay them in well-salted water for an hour. Wipe dry; dip in flour or meal, and fry brown on each side. Fifteen minutes will be needed to cook sufficiently. The slices can be egged and crumbed before frying, and are nicer than when merely floured.

A couple of hours’ practice and careful observance of rules will enable a bright woman to fry successfully. For this practice you may prepare several different articles and fry one after the other one or two very soft and creamy croquettes, one or two breaded articles, especially such as are dipped in thick sauce before being crumbed, etc.

"Can't, marm," replied Jemima, "they be all begged and crumbed, with their tails in their mouths." "Vell, then, never mind, Jemima," replied the lady. "Don't put your finger into the parrot's cage, my love he's apt to be cross with strangers. Mr Handycock will be home at four o'clock, and then we shall have our dinner. Are you fond of viting?"

Then when she refused to exercise, she got nothing to eat but a glass of warm milk with a slice of miserably coarse bread crumbed in, and the mountain air did make her hungry; and when she was ugly, she was left alone, absolutely alone in that dreary room, and even Lee, the Chinese cook, wouldn't look in the window when she begged him for something else to eat.

"It was that Saget who sent her too!" burst out Lisa, as soon as the old woman was gone. "Is the old wretch going to send the whole market here to try to find out what we talk about? What a prying, malicious set they are! Did anyone ever hear before of crumbed cutlets and 'assortments' being bought at five o'clock in the afternoon?

When cold, cover with thick d’Uxelles sauce; sprinkle thickly with very fine bread crumbs. Make two rough paper cases, butter each liberally, and very carefully lay each sweetbread in one, crumbed side uppermost. Put them in a quick oven till pale brown. Have ready proper sweetbread cases, slip them neatly into them, and serve.