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In Crispo et Livio reposint quædam; et si nemo religiosius timidiusques tractavit veterum scripta ... Græca ... vix attingit. From trifles, as they may seem to us at this distance of time, hostile ingenuity wove the web destined to enmesh the incautious Academicians.

"Oh, the way things go on the steeple-chasing and fox-hunting, and the carts, and the style of the swell entertainments. Is that ill-natured?" "Not at all. I like candor, especially English candor. But there is Miss Eschelle." Carmen drove up with Count Crispo, threw the reins to the groom, and reached the ground with a touch on the shoulder of the count, who had alighted to help her down.

I'm taking Spanish lessons of Count Crispo. I've learned two Spanish poems and a Castilian dance." "Is he married?" "Not now. He told me, when he was teaching me the steps, that his heart was buried in Seville." "He seems to be full of sentiment." "Perhaps that is because his salary is so small. Mamma says, of all things an impecunious count! But he is amusing."

I'm taking Spanish lessons of Count Crispo. I've learned two Spanish poems and a Castilian dance." "Is he married?" "Not now. He told me, when he was teaching me the steps, that his heart was buried in Seville." "He seems to be full of sentiment." "Perhaps that is because his salary is so small. Mamma says, of all things an impecunious count! But he is amusing."

She began, however, resolutely with a little account of her life. But it seemed another thing on paper, addressed to the loving eyes at Brandon. There were too much luxury and idleness and triviality in it, too much Carmen and Count Crispo and flirtation and dissipation in it. She tore it up, and went to the window and looked out upon the sea.

These works, with many others that Cristofano executed for those festivities, were the reason that afterwards, when the citadel had been built in Perugia by order of the same Pontiff, Messer Tiberio Crispo, who was governor and castellan at that time, when causing many of the rooms to be painted, desired that Cristofano, in addition to that which Lattanzio, a painter of the March, had executed in them up to that time, should also work there.

In that work Simone formed a connection with M. Tiberio Crispo, who was Castellan there; and he was sent by M. Tiberio to Bolsena, where, on the highest point of that stronghold, overlooking the lake, he arranged a large and beautiful habitation, partly on the old structure and partly founding anew, with a very handsome flight of steps and many ornaments of stone.

Feeling sure that the ship could not be righted, I, seizing little Crispo, made a rush to starboard, and, dashing through an open port, found myself outside the ship, which at that moment went completely over, her masts and spars sinking under the water. Somehow or other, the young midshipman broke from me and slipped over into the sea.

"Carmen," said Margaret, "Mr. Ponsonby says that all Newport is just an imitation." "Of course it is. We are all imitations, except Count Crispo. I'll bet a cup of tea against a pair of gloves," said Carmen, who had facility in picking up information, "that Mr. Ponsonby wasn't born in England." Mr.

LXIII. Nevertheless, he willingly kept the friendship of those from whose wise and learned conversation he could gather any fruit and in whom shone some ray of excellence, such as the Most Reverend and Illustrious Monsignor Polo, for his rare learning and singular goodness; and similarly my Most Reverend patron the Cardinal Crispo, finding in him besides his many good qualities a rare and excellent judgment.