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"Oh, crinkums, look at this!" interrupted Pee-wee. He was handling the colored bow lamp. "And here's the compass, and here's the whistle, and here's the fog-bell," said the girl, unloading her burden with a sigh of relief. "And here's the flag for the stern and here look I made this all by myself and sat up till eleven o'clock to do it see!"

And I'm glad you fellows are going to elect a new leader if you want him to reprimand Westy, be cause you'd never get me to do it, I can tell you that!" Oh, crinkums, there wasn't a sound. It had to stop because I was gulping and all excited, but I started again, you can bet. "And there's only one thing more I've got to say," I told them. "I got on the trail I mean Skinny's trail.

But, crinkums, I didn't notice the cot much because there was a fellow on it and as soon as I looked at him I knew who it was, even though he looked worse than he most always did. It was Skinny McCord. "You waked him up by knocking," Westy said "It isn't the first knocking I did to day," I said "but I guess I can see how it is now I guess I can."

"You don't mean you're going to hike it from here, Tom, do you?" asked Mr. Ellsworth. "I had an idea I might canoe up as far as Nyack," said Tom, "and then follow the river up to Catskill Landing and hit in for Leeds but, of course," he added, "I didn't really expect to be elected." "Oh, crinkums!" shouted Pee-wee. "I'll go with you!" "You're crazy!" interrupted Pee-wee. "You silver-plated Fox "

It was evidently the freight station for some town not far distant, for a couple of old-fashioned box-cars stood on a siding, and Pee-wee contemplated them with the joy of sudden inspiration. "Crinkums, that would be a dandy place to sleep," he thought, for it was blowing up cold and he had but scant equipment. He went up to the nearest car and felt of the sliding door.

"Oh, crinkums, he knows some dandy Ford jokes, and his wrist is so strong from paddling that he can stick a shovel in the ground and turn it around with one hand; oh, he's got that paddle twist down fine, Roy; but, gee, he says you're all right; even before you came he said that; as soon as I told him who it was that signaled " "Do you think they'll come up?" Roy interrupted.

He recalled now how he had talked about the trip to Mary Temple and how she had spoken rather mysteriously about the possibility of his going along. So it was she who was his good friend; it was to her he owed the invitation which had come to him with such a fine air of sincerity. "I always crinkums, anyway girls always seem to like me, that's one thing," he said.

"We are Boy Scouts and fear naught, and we scorn your what-d'you-call it." "Haouw?" called the man. "What's that he's got on?" said Tom, "a merit badge?" "It's a cop's badge," whispered Pee-wee. "Oh, crinkums, we're pinched." The man approached, dripping and breathing heavily, and placed his hands on the combing.

"Pull a little on your left. I can just make out the shed. There isn't, yes there is, there's just one light in the town." "That's Algernon Kirkendall studying his algebra," said Nick. "It's just in line with the shed. Row straight for the light and we'll hit the shore just right. I'll lift this seat and steer with it. Crinkums, it's dark on the water, isn't it?"

And crinkums, a trail will go back on you sometimes. But the tide is sure. It's got to come up, and so I knew it was coming up to rescue me and I knew I was all right as soon as I saw that spark plug. Pee-wee wanted to name this chapter "Saved By A Spark Plug" or "The Hero Plug," but I said it sounded silly. Any way I'll never say another word against the tide.