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At Soudagh, a valley near Oulou-Ouzon, Madame de Hell visited one of the most remarkable women of her time, Mademoiselle Jacquemart, of whom a long but not wholly accurate biographical sketch appears in the Duc de Raguse's "Excursion en Crimée." Few women have had a more eccentric career.

At the extreme north-east of Paris the Rue du Crimée leads to a group of once barren hills, part of which is now made into the Park of the Buttes Chaumont. Antheric, the noble pastor, with his virgin-like face, led three hundred footmen into the fight and slew six hundred of the acephali.

For the Tartar revival, see S. Brobovnikov, "Moslems in Russia," The Moslem World, January, 1911; Févret, "Les Tatars de Crimée," Revue du Monde musulman, August, 1907; A. Le Chatelier, "Les Musulmans russes," Revue du Monde musulman, December, 1906; Fr. von Mackay, "Die Erweckung Russlands asiatischen Völkerschaften," Deutsche Rundschau, March, 1918; Arminius Vambéry, Western Culture in Eastern Lands; H. Williams, "The Russian Mohammedans," Russian Review, February, 1914; "X," "Le Pan-Islamisme et le Pan-Turquisme," Revue du Monde musulman, March, 1913.

Mind your lady and the poor bairns like a godly handmaiden, and I'll buy the ring when the sawmon fishing's over, and we'll just be married ere I start for the Crimee" "The sawmon!" cried Clara. "I'll see you turned into a mermaid first, and married to a sawmon!" "And ye won't do anything o' the kind," said Bowie to himself, and shouldered a valise.

I most sincerely regreted that I had not brought a crimee obscura with me by the assistance of which even I could have hoped to have done better but alas this was also out of my reach; I therefore with the assistance of my pen only indeavoured to traces some of the stronger features of this seen by the assistance of which and my recollection aided by some able pencil I hope still to give to the world some faint idea of an object which at this moment fills me with such pleasure and astonishment, and which of it's kind I will venture to ascert is second to but one in the known world.