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Ain't a member that's under fifty, but there that little young thing sets, cheeks red as a beet, an' the elder asks her questions, when he gits to her, as if he was coverin' on her over with cotton wool. Well, last Sabbath old Deacon Pitts le's see, there ain't any o' his folks present, be they? well, he was late, an' he hadn't looked at his lesson besides.

I put it right here, coverin' it with this flat junk an' a lot o' small stuff. I know I know quite well. Harry and McKnight went into the shaft with shovels, and turned over the dirt stowed there to the depth of two feet, but the bag was gone. 'Show a light here, Downy said suddenly, looking up at Dick from the slab on which he was seated above the two workers.

You've seen an old sycamore that the lightnin' has struck; the ivy has reached up its vines 'nd spread 'em all around it 'nd over it, coverin' its scars 'nd splintered branches with a velvet green 'nd fillin' the air with fragrance. You've seen this thing and you know that it is beautiful.

And do you think that we laughed at her stiff little bouquets? No! We all loved 'em and we understood, 'cause with each leaf made out of our old window shades and from each wire from our wore out brooms, there was a little love mixed in with the coverin'."

Jones turned his rubicund and kindly face. "Don't it beat all how things come about?" he said. "This wagon wasn't built for passengers, but I have you once and then I have you twice, sleepin' like a prince on them blankets. I guess if the road wasn't so rough you'd have slept all the way to Virginia. But I'm proud to have you as a passenger. They say you've been coverin' yourself with glory.

"Dat's a no 'count livery notion, Miss 'Vadney, a coverin' up de cracks an' makin' de horse's hufs look better dan dey is. De King's chillens can't stoop ter any sech decepshuns. De Lord Jesus says, 'Pompey, I is de truff. You's got ter speak de truff an' live de truff ef you belongs ter me. We ain't got no call ter cover up anything, Miss 'Vadney, ef we'se livin' ez de Lord wants us to.

Barry bounces around a lot on his elbows and stomach, but I had a firm grip on his legs and we didn't lose him off. "More gas now!" calls Ann as we hits the bottom. "Ouch! My tummy!" groans Barry. "Never mind," says Ann. "Only three miles more." Say, it was the weirdest automobilin' I ever did, but Ann ran with everything wide open and we sure were coverin' the distance.

"Yes," says I. "And isn't that something like the ring you're coverin' up there under your shirt bosom? Let's see." Without a word he unbuttons his collar, slips a looped string over his head, and holds out a ring. It's a big ruby set in pale gold. "That is the ring of Donna Mario," says Don Pedro.

He had his instruments with him, and he was turnin' down his different kinds of lights, thinkin', of course, that he could see through any kind of coverin' that we put over our machines; but, bless you! he couldn't do nothin', and I could almost hear him swear as he rubbed his eyes after he had been lookin' down for a little while." Clewe laughed. "I see," said he.

The surprise of this new thought turned Ivy giddy, but it also caused her to change the subject of conversation. "When yo' come back from de sto'," she said with frigid dignity, "stop to de' rear do'. I has some corn bread an' bacon what you can carry 'long wid yo', an' an ole ironin' blanket fo' coverin'."