United States or Bosnia and Herzegovina ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Where they were, not strictly on course, but still in a satellite-type orbit, they remained sitting ducks for any number of countermeasures that Earth might throw against them. Once gone from this orbit, there was not sufficient rocket-power on Earth to track them down. If they took Hot Rod with them, there was no single weapon at man's command that could stop them.

I doubt that the Air Force would be spending millions of dollars trying to build electronic countermeasures to hide the large number of expensive and very non-stealthy aircraft they continue to build, such as the F-15E.

They decreed the exile of the priests, and the formation, in the vicinity of Paris, of a camp of twenty thousand militia from all the departments of France. Foreign nations looked upon this decree as a sign of dawning hostilities, and threatened France with countermeasures.

More, it was free from fear for the first time since the mutated seeds had blown over the saltband. I must not give the impression that a wiping off of the Grass from the accountbooks of humanity was universal and complete. The World Congress periodically considered proposals for countermeasures. On the top of Mount Whitney Miss Francis still labored.

During this period Allied countermeasures were chiefly of a defensive character, including patrol of coastal areas, diversion of traffic from customary routes, and arming of merchantmen.

Its illegitimacy arose from the fact that it was conducted surreptitiously over a vast area, and was only in the slightest degree effective, causing a destruction each month of less than one percent of the traffic. Had it been restricted to narrow limits, it would have been still less effective, owing to the facility of countermeasures in a small area.

In the same month, on June 18, the United States declared war on Great Britain. Later they had suffered from the coercion of both belligerents, and from her own futile countermeasures of embargo and non-intercourse.