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If more attention were paid to these points, poor school boys and school girls would not be compelled to swallow such nauseous and disgusting messes as they usually do to their aversion and injury. Hydropathy is oftentimes very serviceable in preventing and in curing costiveness; and as it will sometimes prevent the necessity of administering medicine, it is both a boon and a blessing.

The principal reason why girls suffer more from costiveness than boys, is that their habits are more sedentary; as the best opening medicines in the world are an abundance of exercise, of muscular exertion, and of fresh air.

The disease commenced by an appearance of languor, rapid action of the heart, scantiness of urine, costiveness, swelling of the forehead above the eyes, which extended rapidly to the whole head; stiffness and swelling of the neck, eyes prominent and bloodshot, running at the nose of foul greenish matter in extraordinary quantities, convulsions, death. My favourite Horse, "The Pig," was attacked.

Convulsions attending an attack of hooping-cough make it a serious complication, and requires the assiduous and skilful attention of a judicious medical man. What NOT to do in such a case Do not apply leeches, the babe requires additional strength, and not to be robbed of it, and do not attempt to treat the case yourself. What are the best remedies for the Costiveness of an infant?

Hence one method of correcting costiveness is by endeavouring to establish a habit of evacuation at a certain hour of the day, as recommended by Mr. Locke, which may be accomplished by using daily voluntary efforts at those times, joined with the usual stimulus of the material to be evacuated. The following natural animal actions are connected with lunar periods. 1.

While it is prudent to obviate costiveness, we should recollect that there is nothing more to be dreaded, in every stage of distemper, than diarrhoea. The purging of distemper will often bid defiance to the most powerful astringents.

A ninth food may be made with "Farinaceous Food for Infants, prepared by Hards of Dartford". If Hard's Farinaceous food produces costiveness as it sometimes does let it be mixed either with equal parts or with one third of Robinson's Scotch Oatmeal. The mixture of the two together makes a splendid food for a baby.

If all these rules were observed, costiveness would not so frequently prevail, and one of the miseries of the nursery would be done away with. Some mothers are frequently dosing their poor unfortunate babes either with magnesia to cool them, or with castor oil to heal their bowels! Oh, the folly of such practices!

He abhors all food; but his thirst for water, and particularly cold water, is extreme; he frequently looks round at his flanks, and the lingering gaze is terminated by a cry or groan. In the majority of cases there is considerable costiveness; but, in others, the bowels are freely opened from the beginning.

Too much or too little food will have this effect: the former generally occasions looseness, and the latter costiveness; and both have a tendency to injure health. Persons who have frequent recourse to medicine for preventing costiveness, seldom fail to ruin their constitution.