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Apparently he was looked upon as something of a wag, for he was interrupted frequently by laughter. His voice carried distinctly. "Gents an' fel ler citizens," he began, striking an oratorical attitude, "we now comes to the next num ber on the program, the which is costin' a lot o' cold coin. Fif ty thous and dollars, gents, is what it costs to have the Perfessor put on his little stunt.

'Well, he says, 'there ain't any money in it for me at those figures, Colonel, but work's slack an' I'll take the contract. You see, he thought he could charge a little more here an' there an' make something. But he didn't know the Colonel. Every time he'd talk about things costin' more than he'd thought the Colonel would flash that contract on him.

"True for ye, it is quare, but it's what I'm redooced to, so av you'll be so kind as plaze to blow the sand on to this here tray, it'll be doin' a poor man a good turn, an' costin' ye nothin'." He held up a tin tray as he spoke, and the miner cheerfully blew the sand off his gold-dust on to it.

"The mine wasn't worked on Sunday, in those days, and Captain Costin asked Ellen to meet him on a Sunday night at nine o'clock. Well, the Lansdale boys somehow found out where their sister was going, and they went, too. And they shot down Captain Costin in cold blood, right at the mine entrance. Just when he was holding out his arms to greet his sweetheart!"

She's had seven husbands, four's daid an' two's divorced, an' one she's got yet, 'cordin' to the last I hearn say about it. I tell you, if a lady's got any self-respect, she'll git a divorce, an' she'll git married ag'in. That's what I say, with divorces reasonable, like they be, an' costin' on'y $17.50 to Mendova, or Memphis, er mos' anywheres." "How long how long does it take?"

Drusilla sat back in her chair aghast. "One hundred and fifty dollars a month for a cook! Elias Doane must 'a' been out of his head!" "I think that is not an exorbitant price for a cook with the reputation of this one. He was for many years with Mr. Doane." "To think of it costin' one hundred and fifty dollars a month before you got anything to eat, and all give to that fat, lazy Frenchman!

"I tell you, havin' comp'ny now isn't what it used to be, what with wages up sky-high and all the niggers gone to Indianapolis and Chicago so there aren't any to pay even if you had the money, and food costin' three times what it's wuth. I reckon it is no joke to have Miss Ann a fallin' in on her kin nowadays with two horses that must have oats and that old Billy to fill up besides."

If the ghost turned out to be something other than the pitiful shade of Captain Costin, she would be bitterly disappointed, Rick knew. He got down on his knees, Scotty beside him, and they probed in the water of the rocky basin with their hands. There was a layer of brown algae in the bottom, which was to be expected. It looked dead, but when Rick scraped it, there was green underneath the brown.

"You bet your sox," yelled the strange voice, in chorus with other shouts of approval. "O' course, I ain't no bettin' man," went on Bill, insinuatingly, "as a regular thing, but I'd gamble a few jist here on this pint; if the boys was stuck on anythin' costin' about seven hundred dollars, it seems to me likely they'd git it in about two days, per'aps."

"Well, you heard what Marjie said, and how careless she was." "Yes, an' I seen her shiver an' turn white the instant too. Phil, she's doin' that to kape us from bein' unaisy, an' it's costin' her some to do it. Bless her pretty face! Phil, don't be no bigger fool than ye can kape from."