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In the evening Simpson gave us his first meteorological lecture the subject, 'Coronas, Halos, Rainbows, and Auroras. He has a remarkable power of exposition and taught me more of these phenomena in the hour than I had learnt by all previous interested inquiries concerning them. I note one or two points concerning each phenomenon. Corona.

At the Union Jack Club the Tommies' place the other side of the river bacon and eggs and sausages. I thought I'd never stop eating." "Have some more?" He laughed. "Couldn't think of it." "Then," said I, "get yourself a cigar." I pointed to a stack of boxes. "You'll find the Corona Coronas the best." As I am not a millionaire I don't offer these Coronas to everybody.

And what's more, we are going to derive a national benefit out of this war which will in itself be worth the price of admission!" "How?" asked several voices. Wagstaffe looked round the table. The Battalion were for the moment in Divisional Reserve, and consequently out of the trenches. Some one had received a box of Coronas from home, and the mess president had achieved a bottle of port.

And over the old coronas we will discuss many things." The arrival of a waiter with dishes broke up the silent communion between husband and wife, and lowered Reggie to a more earthly plane. "Cheerio! Here's to us all! Maddest, merriest day of all the glad New year and so forth.

For instance, suppose him to set up the marble statues of women in long robes, called Caryatides, to take the place of columns, with the mutules and coronas placed directly above their heads, he will give the following explanation to his questioners.

It shows the features of Henry G. Harrison, of this city, the architect of the cathedral. The lectern stands on the other side of the ante-chancel, representing Christ blessing little children. Superb bronze columns with brass coronas of natural flowers support the roof of the building. The triforium is carved in the richest style with passion flowers, fuchsias, roses, and lilies.

They may if they like and I don't propose to disillusion them. You understand, Bellward?" His voice was commanding and he bent his brows at Desmond, who hastened to protest that his discretion in the matter would be absolute. When they had had their coffee and Mortimer was contentedly puffing one of Bellward's excellent double Coronas, Desmond rose from the table.

Anathema to him who alienates it." This inscription has the more interest for being the actual autograph of Bernward. He was succeeded by Hezilo, and many other pupils. These men made the beautiful corona of the cathedral, of which I give an illustration in detail. Great coronas or circular chandeliers hung in the naves of many cathedrals in the Middle Ages.

These the natives regarded with only half accustomed wonder, for they knew there were strange flowers in the land of the dead. As they danced, the colored imageries steadily faded in the growing intensity of the great banded coronas that rose from the north.

He never was partners with nobody, understand? He blows the show; he bows out and leaves the Kid flat. He forsakes the Milky Way for the Great White one, and he's out there now, smokin' Coronas and wearin' a red vest under his black coat, with a diamond horseshoe in his tie. It looks to me like the James boys could 'a' learned something from this gospel hold-up." "Do you believe her story?"