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Dis was in Uraguay which was in Amerique North or Sout' you would not know und I was hoontin' orchits und aferydings else dot I could back in my kanasters dot is drafelling sbecimen-gaces. Dere vas den mit me anoder man Reingelder, dot vas his name und he vas hoontin' also but only coral-snakes joost Uraguay coral-snakes aferykind you could imagine.

These coral-snakes are not vicious and have small teeth which cannot penetrate even ordinary clothing. They are only dangerous if actually trodden on by some one with bare feet or if seized in the hand.

It is one of the many puzzles of nature that these American serpents which kill poisonous serpents should only have grown immune to the poison of the most dangerous American poisonous serpents, the pit-vipers, and should not have become immune to the poison of the coral-snakes which are commonly distributed throughout their range.

Yet, judging by the one instance mentioned by Doctor Brazil, they attack and master these coral-snakes, although the conflict in the end results in their death. It would be interesting to find out whether this attack was exceptional, that is, whether the mussurama has or has not as a species learned to avoid the coral-snake.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to account in any other manner for the extreme beauty of certain species; for instance, of the coral-snakes of S. America, which are of a rich red with black and yellow transverse bands. I well remember how much surprise I felt at the beauty of the first coral- snake which I saw gliding across a path in Brazil. Snakes coloured in this peculiar manner, as Mr.

Practically this is a matter of little consequence in Brazil, for the Brazilian coral-snakes are dangerous only when mishandled by some one whose bare skin is exposed to the bite. The numerous accidents and fatalities continually occurring in Brazil are almost always to be laid to the account of the several species of lachecis and the single species of rattlesnake.

Copris Isidis, sexual differences of. Copris lunaris, stridulation of. Corals, bright colours of. Coral-snakes. Cordylus, sexual difference of colour in a species of. Corfu, habits of the Chaffinch in. Cornelius, on the proportions of the sexes in Lucanus Cervus. Corpora Wolffiana, agreement of, with the kidneys of fishes. Correlated variation.

But some of them, the cobras for instance, develop into what are on the whole perhaps the most formidable of all snakes. The only poisonous colubrine snakes in the New World are the ring- snakes, the coral-snakes of the genus elaps, which are found from the extreme southern United States southward to the Argentine.