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'I was telling my wife yesterday your story of the lady contrabandist: I don't think she has done laughing since, Mr. Calling said. Fenellan fluted: 'Ah? He had scent, in the eulogy of a story grown flat as Election hats, of a good sort of man in the way of men, a step or two behind the man of the world. He expressed profound regret at not having heard the silvery ring of the lady's laughter.

She left in a coach with my father, saying as she embraced me that her absence would be brief, for it would be easy enough to crush the vile mob. She went down to Morainville, and there, thanks to the devotion of Guillaume Carpentier and of his sons, she was carried to England in a contrabandist vessel.

The elder soldier put a whole cigarette into his mouth and chewed it. The younger man made no movement now. They crouched low at their posts one on each side of the ford. Concepcion was across the river, but they could not see him. In Andalusia they say that a contrabandist can conceal himself behind half a brick.

Annette, on the morrow, was repentant and pitiable. The contrabandist supplies had been of a very limited nature, and now they were over she suffered a more than common misery of reaction from excess. For a while she was sullen, and sulked in her own chamber; but when her headache had worn itself out, she began to creep listlessly about the hotel Paul and the Baroness had spent a second evening tête-

At dusk he sought out Toni Clapés in the Borne. With the confidence which the contrabandist inspired in him he asked him for money. "I don't know when I can return it. I am leaving Majorca. Everything is going to ruin, but I must not stay to see it." Clapés gave Jaime more money than he asked for.

'I was telling my wife yesterday your story of the lady contrabandist: I don't think she has done laughing since, Mr. Calling said. Fenellan fluted: 'Ah? He had scent, in the eulogy of a story grown flat as Election hats, of a good sort of man in the way of men, a step or two behind the man of the world. He expressed profound regret at not having heard the silvery ring of the lady's laughter.

This was a recollection of his far-away youth when, as a contrabandist, he used to stretch himself flat on the deck of his bark, manipulating the wheel and the sail under the fire of the custom-house officers on watch. He feared for the life of his captain while he was standing, constantly offering himself to the shots of the enemy.

But as a collateral means of pressure the new ministry set to work organizing a movement on the Continent, and it had the courage to face all the probabilities of a war with Turkey. At this juncture came the famous blockade runner, the Arkadi, a most successful contrabandist of the American war, and at every trip she made she carried away a number of women and children.

Spaniards have a sneaking regard for bold robbers, whom they look upon as half-brothers of the contrabandist that popular hero of the Peninsula: they have also an innate dislike of policemen, and a still stronger one for every thing French.

Now they are freely offered for $10 to $20, but there are no buyers; the highest bid of which I heard was $100 for a house-"help." The slave-traders in the Congo look upon their employment as did the contrabandist in the golden days of smuggling; the "free sailor" whom Marryatt depicts, a law-breaker, yet not less a very pleasant, companionable fellow.