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He seldom mintioned her, but wan night he was heard to mutter: 'Her face is like wan iv Rembrand's saints. A few historyans contind that what he said was: 'Her face looks like a remnant sale, but I cannot believe this. "They exchanged brilliant letters fr manny years, in fact ontil th' enchanthress was locked up in an insane asylum.

"And the last time you had a word or two y' infairnal quibbler was it just before your last spasm, eh?" "Well, it might; I am not gainsaying that: but you said quarrel, says you. 'Quarrel' it were your word; and I defy all Barkton, gentle and simple, to say as how me and my master " "Whisht! whisht! Now, jintlemen, ye see what the great coming sceince the sceince of Healing has to contind with.

We Contind. thro a Deep Vallie without a Tree to Shade us Scorching with heat to the men who had killed a pore Deer, I was fatigued my feet with Several blisters & Stuck with prickley pears.

The tide of this day rose about feet & 15 Inches higher than yesterday this is owing to the wind which Sets in from the ocian, we are Compelled to move our Camp from the water, as also the loading every man as wet all the last night and this day as the rain Could make them which Contind. all day. at 4 oClock the wind Shifted about to the S. W imediately from the ocian and blew a Storm for about 2 hours, raised the tide verry high all wet & cold Labiech killed 4 Ducks very fat & R. Fields Saw Elk Sign.

Possession's good in law, I'll admit; and I contind that's jest what the tenants has. I contind that the tenants has this very, precise, lawful possession, at this blessed moment, only the law won't let 'em enj'y it. It's all owing to that accursed law, that the tenant can't set up a title ag'in his landlord.